Extra Scene 3 [The Heist]

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This one is kinda like the last one I wrote but with the roles more reversed. Also, parts of it are a bit strange and don't really align with the Eternal's goals but that's fine we're going to ignore that. So this takes place after the movie but as if Sersi, Kingo, and Phastos never got captured.


"So what you're saying is that in this gallery opening there is a piece of Celestial magic infused in an object and we need to grab it before anything happens?" Druig clarified and Phastos nodded.

"Yes! When I was doing a scan to make sure we hadn't lost any Celestial magic and I found its signature. We need to grab it since it seems unstable and we need to make sure nobody else gets their hands on it," Phastos explained.

"When's the gallery?" Makkari signed.

"This weekend," Phastos signed back and they nodded, that wasn't much time.

"So what's the plan then?" Sersi asked and Phastos smiled, clearly, he prided himself with this plan.

"Well, I think I can shut down the cameras if Makkari gets me to the main power server. Now I need all of you inside the gallery for different reasons. Sersi, you need to pretend to be interested in art, and once we've got the piece I need you to find the most valuable piece and change it into dirt or something, just to draw everyone's attention from the actual piece of importance. Druig I need you to be nearby in case something goes wrong and you need to mind control the guards to make sure they don't do anything, or if we need a distraction start a fight or something. Kingo you are the distraction, keep everyone's attention away from the piece and on you and if something goes wrong draw all the attention to yourself. Thena you are the last resort, just in case something goes wrong and you need to overpower a guard, but do not try to kill anyone, under no circumstance are you to try to kill anyone. And Sprite you need to confuse the guards, make them be suspicious of you because of your age, make them put all their attention on you."

"Ok, so who is actually stealing the piece?" Druig asked and Phastos smiled.

"She is," Phastos gestured to Corey who'd been listening attentively, happy to be allowed to be there.

"Me?" Corey questioned.


"Why have her go? Any of us could do it," Druig argued and Phastos shook his head.

"This is a layered plan with everything taken into consideration, Corey needs to do it. Otherwise, it won't work."

Druig looked like he didn't believe that but didn't argue.

"Are you sure someone else can't do it?" Corey asked nervously.

"No, it has to be you," Phastos shook his head and Sprite squeezed Corey's hand reassuringly.

"If Phastos thinks this plan will work then we have to trust him," Sersi nodded and Phastos smiled.

"Also you are all going to have to dress up, and I am making communication pieces that will go undetected. I call it plan 'Disappearing Act'." Phastos smiled at the name.

"That is a terrible name," Sprite shook their head.

"We can come up with something better," Kingo agreed and Phastos sighed.


It was the night of the heist (that was what Corey called it because that's what it felt like.) She was terrified, if she did one thing wrong the whole plan could fall apart. She took deep breaths to calm herself.

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