Extra Scene 4 [The Plan]

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We're back with another scene! So this one is more similar to the first one I wrote with it taking place mid-way through the Eternals since Sprite and Corey haven't admitted their feelings but like the Eternals were all just casually living in a house mid-way though and we're like 'Yeah let's do this for fun.' Also, Ikaris is still alive but Gilgamesh and Ajak aren't.


       "So we're all clear on the plan?" Sersi asked the group, everyone was sitting at the table apart from Corey and Sprite who were in their rooms.

"Why are we doing this again?" Makkari signed.

"Because are we not all tired of watching Sprite and Corey dance around each other too nervous to admit their feelings for each other," Kingo answered.

"Are you sure we should be getting involved, isn't this their own business?" Phastos asked.

"We are not directly forcing them to do anything, if they decide they don't want to that's fine we aren't going to pressure them into doing anything. We are just giving them the opportunity," Sersi explained and the group nodded.

"I think we're all tired of watching them be awkward around each other, maybe with this they'll finally figure out what they want." Kingo shrugged.

"And if they like each other?" Makkari signed.

"Then we support them both, and tease them both relentlessly." Kingo smiled.

"Right okay, we'll do it tomorrow," Sersi told the group and they nodded.


Sprite woke up to a quiet house, normally you could hear Kingo and Druig facing off or at least someone saying something.

They walked out in a dazy half asleep sense and headed toward the kitchen. Stuck to the coffee maker was a note.

I'm out with Dane for the morning, Ikaris is going out to 'train', Druig and Makkari are going out walking together, Thena was going to practise at the gym, Kingo is out with Karun for a movie meeting, and Phastos was going to work on a mechanical thing. We'll be back at around 1, stay safe. <3


Sprite put the note down and started making their usual cup of coffee. They settled down into a chair at the table, then they heard the noise of someone walking down the hallway.

"Good morning, Sprite," Corey greeted with a smile. "Where are the others?"

"They're all out, doing different stuff," Sprite answered handing them the note to Corey who read it over.

"So we have the house to ourselves?" Corey smiled and Sprite nodded.

"What should we do then?" Corey asked and Sprite shrugged.

Sprite wasn't much of a morning person, Corey however had tons of energy in the morning.

"Why don't we finish eating, or for you finish drinking your coffee then we can decide?" Corey offered and Sprite nodded.

They sat in mostly silence, it felt strange normally there was the constant noise of the others.

They kept stealing glances at each other, averting their eyes quickly when the other person looked over. A few times their eyes met and they both laughed awkwardly.

When they finished breakfast they turned to go back to their rooms to change into clothes for the day.

When Sprite finished and came out of their room they found Corey on the couch, checking something on her phone. They walked over and sat next to her.

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