Destiel ~ What Happened To Love?

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A/N: hello my pretties! I finally got off my ass and decided to write these. They were long overdue hope you love them.


Love, such a simple word. Such a beautiful and complex word. It has many meanings, there is brotherly/sisterly love, love you have for your family, and there's love you have for your friends. But, the most complicated form of love is the love you have for another person. The type of love that makes you want to shove them against the wall and kiss them senseless. The type of love that will have you doing stupid things for each other.

But, what happened to the love? When did it become so normal for two people to kiss without it meaning everything? Platonic kissing and sex, friends with benefits. Where did love, the feeling go? When did humans, Angels, demons, everything, when did they stop falling in love?

"Cas, we could really use your help." Sam prays, Dean relaxing in a chair.

"Sammy, we both know he ignores our prayers. I just wish we had Kevin or Crowley to decipher this." Dean sighed, standing up from his seat, his eyes grazing the large library in the bunker. The men of letters were really something.

"He ignores me Dean. He always comes when you call." Sam muttered.

"Fine, I'll pray to Cas." Dean rolled his eyes and then close them, grasping his hands together. "Cas, get your feathery ass down here, we need your help." Dean prayed, he then opened his eyes and there was Cas.

"What do you need?" Cas questions, not even bothering with saying hello. It was so common for the boys to call, asking for help, never saying hello or thank you. It almost drove Cas insane, but he would never let on.

"Can you translate these? It's in enochian." Sam asks.

"Of course." Cas says, sitting down to translate.

"Thanks Cas." Dean smiled, this took Cas by slight surprise, but he didn't bore the look on his face.

"So, any idea what it means Cas?" Sam questions.

"Well, the righting roughly translates to carry you this, that is the task, man of righteousness required need angel of god, the just blood man fallen for a supreme being man of divine power creating angel of same. It just doesn't make that much sense." Cas says, his face clouded with confusion.

"If you had to make a guess, what do you think it's trying to say?" Dean questions.

"I think it says, for this task, you need the blood a righteous man who fell for an angel of God." Cas says, interpreting what was written.

"Well, Dean, chop chop." Sam said towards Dean.

"What are you talking about?" Dean questions.

"I think Sam is implying that you fell for an angel of the lord, in which you know very few. I mean, the only angel you Winchesters talk to is me." Cas said, Dean going red and Cas just realized what he said.

"Damn it Sam." Dean muttered. As the lightbulb went off in Cas' head, Dean stood up and grabbed a vial to store his blood, leaving the room.

"I shouldn't have said anything in front of you. Oops." Sam said, feigning innocence to what he just did.

"Dean?" Cas walked out of the room to follow Dean. Sam just sat there being the cunning little moose he was.

"Finally, it's been about, 5 years, I've been loosing my mind." Sam chuckled to himself, going back to research and putting earbuds in and running everything out.

"Dean? Dean." Cas finally found Dean cleaning off the small wound he created drawing blood, the vial full of blood, the cork keeping the blood from spilling.

"What is it Cas?" Dean questions, not letting himself look Cas in the eyes. He knew that if he did, he would fall deeper, drown in what he couldn't describe. Cas stepped forward, invading Dean's personal space, putting his hand on Dean's chin, turning Dean's head so they were looking in each other's eyes. And the sky met the grass, such a marvelous blue, and such a vibrant green. "Ca-"

Cas pressed his lips against Dean's. This definitely took Dean by surprise, but he couldn't help gripping Cas by his hips and pulling him closer. Cas' slightly chapped lips worked ever so gently against Dean's soft and wonderful pink lips. Dean pulled away blushing.

"Why is my heart beating this fast?" Dean whispered. Cas smiled softly.

"I have been told the feeling is love. Haven't you experienced it before Dean?" Cas questions, cocking his head, his brilliant blue eyes looking at him.

"No, not like this. It used to be pick up a girl, quick fuck, move on. But, no one has ever made me feel like- like this Cas. My hands are sweating and my heart is racing." Dean admitted, not wanting to look Cas in the eyes.

"Dean, whatever happened to love? I remember when people fell in love all the time, but it seems like now you have to fight to find love." Cas says.

"I should get this vial of blood back to Sam." Dean said, pushing past Cas to exit. Cas shut the door and pulled the vial out of Dean's hand, setting it down.

"I believe Sam can wait. I'm going to teach you what love is." Cas pushed Dean against the door and roughly forced his lips onto Dean's. A groan escaping Dean's lips as he tangled his fingers in Cas' hair. Damn, was Cas good at this. Which is quite surprising since he only kissed two people, well, now three, in the time Dean has known him. Cas let his fingers run down Dean's chest and down to his torso, finding the hem of the shirt and pulling it upwards, separating their lips to tear off that useless piece of fabric, Dean struggled with the trench coat, but finally pushed it off.

"Cas," Dean gasped. "Bed now." Dean growled. They somehow managed to make it to Dean's bedroom where Cas pushed Dean in the bed, getting rid of his shirt and hovering over Dean. Cas pressed his lips to Dean's neck, nibbling at the freckled skin.

"Do you understand what love is quite yet Dean?" Cas questioned with his lips pressed against Dean's neck.

"You know what? I think I'm starting to." Dean admitted, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Damn it, I can still hear them!" Sam groaned from where he was doing research. "How loud are they?" He shouted! Poor moose.


A/N: Well, what do you think of my first Destiel one shot?

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