Destiel ~ A Demon And An Angel, How Hot

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A/N: dear keekeebeary , I have a lot of free time, that's why I post a lot.

Warning, smut ahead! WARNING!! SMUT AHEAD!!! You just ignored my warning didn't you?


Cas laid in his bed, looking up at the plain ceiling. His mind was swimming with thoughts, he couldn't control where his thoughts led. Swimming, all his thoughts. Dean was the very center of this storm. Even as a demon, Dean was fucking hot. Those demonic black eyes that covered his candy apple green. His toned body and his pink lips that could do so may things.

His thoughts seemed to like picturing Dean on his knees and- Cas shook the thought away. Dean was his best friend, as attractive as he was. But, was it wrong to think of him this way? To picture him doing all these oh so naughty things?

Wasn't it wrong that Cas was friends with a demon? If that wasn't wrong, then neither was picturing Dean naked. He realizes that the comparison was ridiculous. Cas gulped as he felt something in his stomach churn. The feeling was, causing things, things Cas wasn't quite used too.

His breath was shallow as he groaned in pain. He was glad of two things that moment, one, the walls were soundproof, two, both Sam and Dean were on a hunt. Well, Sam was. Cas had no idea where Dean was ever since he became a demon. The longer Cas ignored his boner, the worse it got, because, lucky him couldn't stop thinking about Dean. Or those naughty lips. His dick throbbed and Cas groaned.

"Fuck." He muttered. Cas had no experience in this feild. Well, specifically. He did have sex before, and he has watched porn, but the fact that this was happening to him was new. He felt hot, he pulled off his shirt, it didn't help. He was just in boxers, he could just go ahead and get out of this heat.

This oh so miserable heat. His mind told him what to do, and his hand twitched towards his throbbing dick. He palmed himself through the fabric and imagined it was Dean instead. That just made him a whole lot harder. A moan escapes his tight lips, vibrating in his throat. He could get off just like this, but Cas was a goner if he did it like that. He would ruin his boxers for one thing.

His hand slipped under the fabric of his boxers, making the contact he so desperately needed. His eyes fluttered closed as he pictures Dean doing this to him. God, he was a mess. His fingers wrapped around his shaft pumping his hand up and down, trying to get off as quickly as possible. But as he does this, picturing Dean, he can't help when the name slips past his lips.

"Dean." He whimpered. "Dean!" His voice moaned, he was close, wiping the precome off the tip of his dick with his thumb. His breath was shallow as he moaned and groaned and whimpered Dean's name. When he finally reached his climax, he screamed his name. "DEAN!" His voice was still in a moan as white painted his chest. Cas removed his hand from his boxers, panting. He didn't notice when another presence appeared in the room.

"An angel masturbating to a demon, how hot." Dean smirked. Cas' eyes snapped open as he stared at Dean, open mouthed. His face went red as he tried to pull the covers over himself to hide his embarrassment. Dean stopped him of course.

"I'm so embarrassed." Cas mummers.

"Don't be, like I said, it was hot. But, how about we have some real fun instead?" Dean questions. Cas' breath hitched.

"What kind of fun?" Cas whispers.

"I think you know the answer." Dean smirked, Cas withering under his gaze. He couldn't find words, so he just nodded. "Then the fun shall begin." Dean laughed. His candy apple eyes turning completely black, climbing on top of Cas. His knees rested on either side of him, his hands on either side of Cas' head. Dean lowered his head, hungrily kissing the angel. Well, fallen angel was more like it.

Cas just let Dean do whatever he wanted. Dean pulled away to unbutton his plaid shirt, but glanced at Cas.

"Would you do the honors?" Dean smirked. Cas sat up and fumbled with the buttons, slowly realizing that Dean wasn't wearing more layers underneath. When the last button became undone, Dean kicked off his shoes and socks, and pushed Cas back into the pillows roughly. His teeth met Cas' neck, biting and sucking the skin, running his tongue over the fresh bruises, creating hickeys that won't go away for a long time.

Dean then let his lips travel downwards, causing Cas to whimper a bit. Dean loved the sound, but he lived the sound of Cas moaning his name even more. Dean unbuttoned his pants and yanked them off, leaving both men in their boxers. Their lips were still attacking each other hungrily and lustfully. Cas felt this new feeling kick in, a feeling that claimed dominance. Cas flipped them over, so Dean was pressed into the pillows.

"Woah there tiger." Dean smirked. He wasn't going to let Cas get the upper hand, so he pushed Cas backwards and yanked off his boxers. He pulled off his own boxers and rested Cas' legs on his shoulders. "I don't have lube, so this might sting a bit." Dean says truthfully. His demonic black eyes switching to candy apple green for a second, genuine concern showing. But the demonic eyes flashed back fast enough to give Cas whiplash as Dean inserted a finger into Cas. Cas whimpered from the sting and Dean forced his lips onto Cas' in an attempt to make him forget. Ignore the pain.

"Dean." Cas whimpered as Dean added a second finger, scissoring him.

"Shh my angel. It will be alright." Dean says sweetly. He may be a demon, but he loved Cas. When he was sure Cas was spread out enough, he took his fingers out, Cas flip phone them over, and Dean saw what Cas was going to do. Cas lined himself up and lowered himself onto Dean's dick. Dean grabbed Cas' hips, guiding him.

"Dean." Cas moaned out.

"You Re so beautiful." Dean smiles. His eyes once again reverting to candy apple, gazing at Cas with such love.

"Harder." Cas whimpered. And there went the demonic eyes as Dean obeyed, their thighs slapping together as they were both moaning each other's names. "Dean, I'm gonna-" with in last cry, Cas released, Dean following. Cas crawled besides Dean and snuggled under his arm. This time, when Dean's eyes went to candy apple, they stayed candy apple. He was still a demon, but a rather tame one at the moment.

"I love you Cas." Dean smiled, kissing Cas' forehead.

"I love you Dean. Cas sleepily mumbled back, closing his eyes and drifting off. Dean didn't particularly need sleep, being a demon and all, but he thought sleep was necessary and drifted off as well, holding Cas close, the covers pulled over their bare bodies.


A/N: I'm so tired. And I feel like crap. I think I'm sick.

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