Destiel ~ Bad Boy (High School Au)

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A/N: keekeebeary gave me the idea for this one shot. And, like the gods intended, yes, there will be mature content. Clearly.


Ah, high school, where everyone is either good or bad. That's a joke. You had the nerdy kids who who always perfect, such as Castiel Novak. What was it about him? He had sky blue eyes that mixed with oceans and shone like falling stars. His pale pink lips were slightly chapped, but oh so kissable. His messy, dark brown hair that was on top of his head. He wore the cutest square glasses and wore sweater vests almost all the time.

His Best friend was Charlie Bradbury. She had short, wild, red hair that was like magma melting into a pool of red. Her eyes were almost a metallic blue, silver mixing with the pale blue ring. She wore glasses too sometimes, and her outfits varied, depending on her mood.

Then there was the bad boys. No one wanted to mess with them. The leader was a boy named Dean Winchester. He had candy apple green eyes that melted in with a jade color. His plush pink lips more than often pulled into a smirk. His light brown hair was sometimes slicked back, but more often then not, it was just combed. He wore leather jackets and tight black jeans. He wore a dog tag, the silver chain with a tag. He was known to be quite the ladies man.

His brother, Sam Winchester was a mix of nerd and bad boy, totally fuckable, and gay. Taken by sweet toothed bad boy Gabriel. The nerds and bad boys tended to stay apart from each other. Well, normally.

"How'd I get in this situation?" Castiel muttered, his body pressed up against Dean Winchester as they hid in a janitors closet.

"I have no fucking idea." Dean growled, he was angry. The reason they were in the closet (pun intended), was because they were hiding from Lisa and Meg. Meg wanted to fuck Castiel, Lisa wanted to fuck Dean, and the two bitches are psychos. The clacking of their five inch heels suddenly faded, heading towards the front doors of the school.

"Are they still there?" Castiel questions.

"No, I think they're gone. I'm getting out of this closet." Dean pushed Castiel into the cleaning supplies and walked out of the closet. Castiel felt a bit hurt, physically and mentally. He had a bruise on his back from being pushed into cleaning supplies, and his heart aches because he secretly had a crush on Dean Winchester, silly as it sounded.

Castiel walked out of the closet, seeing Dean head towards the cafeteria. It was lunch and Castiel really didn't want to go there. He was picked on, teased, poked and prodded whenever Charlie was absent. But he had to go or Meg would catch up to him. So, slowly, Castiel walked to the cafeteria, holding his breath as he stepped inside. The bad boys outnumbered the nerds.

He waited for the teasing to began as he bought lunch. It was delayed for some reason. Castiel thought maybe the teasing was over, that was until the first blow hit him. And man, did it sting like hell.

"Don't you have any friends? Oh wait, your bodyguard isn't here today." Michel snickered. Castiel swallowed dryly and sat at an empty table.

"You are such a teachers pet."

"No wonder you have no friends, your hideous."

"Why do you even come here anymore?"

"Just die already."

Castiel snapped. His magnificent blue eyes turning dark, his heart speeding up, his hands clenched into fits. He rose to his feet. He grabbed his tray.

"Oh look, he's g-"

"Stop. Leave the poor kid alone." An all to familiar voice said. Dean Winchester was protecting him.

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