The Beast Inside

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A/N: The title originally said Savannah Winchester, maybe it still does. Oh well. Anyways, Savannah is back! Yay!


Savannah huffed as her fingers met the mark on her neck. What was she gonna do? If her brothers found out she let her guard down, she was dead meat. Her own brothers might have to kill her. She felt the ridges of the bite and sat by a pool of blood.

Of course the first person she decides to go out with would be a werewolf. Fuck her life. Savannah got up, staring at the attractive male that lied dead next to her. She sighed and made her way home, pulling the collar of her shirt up to cover the bite. She should've known better. She was a fucking mind reader after all.

When she reached the bunker, she looked at the moon in disgust, her lips bared and teeth snarling. She walked towards the door and opened it, stepping inside.

"You're home earlier than expected." Dean comments, sitting next to Cas as Savannah descended the stair case.

"Let's just say things didn't work out." Savannah set her gun down on the table.

"Do you bring a gun on every date?" Sam questions.

"Need I remind you the last time I went out with someone, it turned out to be a demon?" Savannah questions with an eye roll.

"Someone is in a pissy mood." Cas comments, looking at her curiously.

"Well, there's a damn good reason for that." Savannah walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, downing it.

"I thought you hated alcohol." Dean scrunched his eyebrows together.

"And you're underage." Sam scowls at her.

"Well, I need to get the events of my date off my mind." Savannah rubbed her temples. Her lips pulled into a tight, grim line.

"How bad was your date? I've been on bad dates myself, but never one bad enough to end up like that." Dean questions.

"I had to kill my date." Savannah snapped. Everyone recoiled at the sudden harshness.

"Why?" Cas questions.

"He was a fucking werewolf." Savannah took another large gulp of the whiskey, the taste rancid on her tongue.

"So? Sam's dated a few werewolves. A demon too." Dean shrugs.

"Well, I let my guard down. My first mistake of the night." Savannah muttered.

"You're a hunter, why would you ever let your hairs down?" Sam asks.

"Because, for once in my life, a guy has paid interest in me and now I'm a monster!" Savannah tugged at her collar, revealing the bite. Silent gasps came from the three men.

"Savannah. Sis." Dean sounded worried.

"Kill me in the morning for all I care. There's no cure. None! I can't be even remotely normal!" Savannah got up and ran to her room, dropping the bottle of whiskey, the drink sinking into the wood floors.

"There has to be a cure." Sam muttered.

"Then we have to look. I'm not letting either of you kill her." Cas frowned, glancing towards the way Savannah left.

"We won't kill her. We couldn't. She's our sister. Now, come on. The men of letters should have something on werewolves." Dean said, going to grab a book. The three boys read and read, not realizing Savannah's predicament.

"Don't fall asleep. Don't fall asleep." Her fingers twitched madly, her eyes drooped. Her door was locked and she was afraid. Afraid of herself. She picked up her phone and found a contact that her brothers said was only to be used in an emergency. Savannah sucked in a breath and called the number, pressing the phone to her ear.

"Hey Savannah! How ya doing?" Garth asked, his voice happy and upbeat. He was married, so it made sense.

"Garth, how do you control being a werewolf?" She gulped, hoping Garth could help her.

"Weird question. Why do you ask?" He questions, his voice still so happy and joyful.

"Garth, I'm a werewolf." Savannah said shortly and sourly to Garth.

"Oh lord. Sweet cheeks, I am so sorry. So you need to know how to control it?" Garth sighs into the phone, his voice without happiness.

"Yeah. I know there's not a cure." Savannah twiddled with her fingers.

"Wear a silver necklace for starters. Reminds you that this world ain't ours for the taking. Second, think of your family and friends, they'll keep you grounded. Thirdly, have no enemies, you should be fine then. If you need more help, come visit me and my wife. Werewolves stick together." Garth suggests.

"Thanks Garth, you're a lifesaver." Savannah smiles slightly and says her goodbyes before hanging up. She went to her jewelry box and pulled out her only silver necklace. The metal burned her skin and Savannah but the inside of her cheek to prevent from screaming.

The necklace was a beautiful one. It was a heart made to look like angel wings. When the wings open, it revealed a picture of her and her best friend who was long gone. On the back was her name, beautiful engraved in the back. Savannah put the necklace on, sucking in a deep breath at the pain.

She looked in the mirror, expecting her skin to be red where it burned, but it looked normal. She then got a good look of her face. Her honey eyes more vivid and gold, her pale lips darker and bigger, her hair a bit darker. She was taller too. Savannah swallowed and fell into her bed, looking at the ceiling, closing her eyes to sleep. She was exhausted.

"Well, if we didn't kill the mother of monsters, she could've saved Savannah." Dean sighed.

"And we have no fucking clue where God is, so that's out." Sam seemed mad at himself for not finding anything.

"Wait! I think I found something, but you're not going to like it." Cas said, looking at a book page.

"What is it?" Dean asks hurriedly.

"It's a potion, the ingredients include blood of a non werewolf siblings, a pint, that's easy. Dust of a werewolf's bone, and a powder made of night wood. The last ingredients are hard to find." Cas sighs, handing the boys the book.

"Well, let's get too it!"


A/N: There might be a part 2, haven't decided yet.

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