Destiel ~ Part Of Your World Part 2 (Au)

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A/N: Yes, part 2!


"So, that guy I was talking to, he's the angel who left this on my shoulder." Dean slid up his sleeve on his upper left shoulder.

"How can you be so sure Dean?" Sam questions.

"First off, as amazing as the name is, who the fuck names their children Gabriel and Castiel? Second off, his eyes, I can recognize that blue. One of a kind. Thirdly, I can feel it in my gut." Dean says.

"You're delusional." Sam snorts. Both of the boys phones buzzed. "This must be the two completely normal guys trying to text us." Sam glances at his brother.

"Yeah, yeah." Dean shrugs.

From Unkown number:

Hello. It's Castiel. You gave me your number. :)

Dean smiled. Angel or not, this guy was damn adorable. He quickly changed the contact name.

To Cas the Angel:

Oh hey Cas. I wish we had longer to chat at the bar.

From Cas the Angel:

I wish we had longer as well. You seem like a wonderful person.

To Cas the Angel:

Maybe we could go catch a movie or something?

From Cas the Angel

I would love that. :)

To Cas the Angel:

Then meet me at the theater. I'll be there in half an hour. ;)

From Cas the Angel:

Can't wait.

"Have fun." Sam says boredly to his brother as he text Gabriel. A smile on his face.

"You know, for being straight, you sure are gay for Gabriel." Dean laughed.

"Jerk." Sam mutters.

"Bitch." Dean grabs his wallet and heads out. By the time he gets to the theater, he sees Cas already the. He was sitting on a bench and looking at the stars, eyes closed in some kind of prayer. He must have sensed Dean moving closer, because he quickly ended the prayer.

"Hello Dean." Cas smiled.

"Hey Cas." Dean smiled. Normally, Dean felt the urge to create some sort of sexual tension, so then he can quickly fuck and then wet see them again. But, Cas was different. A literal angel.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Cas questions.

"How about unfriended?" Dean questions.

"I thought that was a horror movie?" Cas questions.

"It is. But I doubt it will be that scary." Dean smiled. Meanwhile, at the motel.

"So, you're an angel huh?" Sam questions Gabriel, who had appeared in the room.

"Archangel. Completely different." Gabriel comments.

"I can't believe my brother was right. Why did Cas save Dean?" Sam questions.

"Because my brother developed a crush on your brother kiddo." Gabriel smiled.

"Okay, so, when did you first lay eyes on us?" Sam questions.

"Well, me and Cas saw you two when you were 6, and Dean was 10. I had called dibs on you." Gabriel laughed.

"That explains the feeling someone is always watching me. And if Cas is an angel, why does he seem human?" Sam questions with a quirked brow.

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