Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 4 (Au)

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A/N: fuck yeah! Part 4! Anyways, I need something o call you guys, the glorious people who read my one shots. Any ideas?


When they arrived, they saw Savannah's door was broken. They panicked. As the got out, Dean opened the hood and pulled out a knife. To decapitate the vampire. They ran inside, seeing puddles of blood leading towards Savannah's room. When they got there, she was reading a book, a rotting corpse next to her. Blood sneered her plaid shirt, which was thrown in the hamper, the head was separated from the body, it was their boss alright.

"What the fuck?" Dean and Cas questions together.

"What? Vampires are easy to kill." Savannah snorts.

"Are you a hunter?" Dean questions.

"What? No! I'm an angel. Savannah the angel. My real name is something different, much more angelic, I was forced here, put into this body when we Angels fell." Savannah said.

"An angel?" Cas questions.

"Yeah. I was the only one not living with my siblings. Dad threw me out, told me to join a new family and look out for you, his favorite child." Savannah rolled her eyes.

"I'm lost." Dean comments, his face scrunched up.

"Cas and his family are angels. They don't know, because we all fell. Dad, the deadbeat drunk, didn't know how to get us back. So, he raised us to be human. He carved out our grace, but I got mine back. Without it, I'm human." Savannah said, pulling out a small tube, filled with some sort of blue liquid. It was a pale blue color, shimmering. It was hard to look at.

"This is your grace Cas. If you want it, you can have it, but I must warn you, Dean himself will age and grow old. You will live forever, your body, yes, will grow old, but not the angelic spirit inside." Savannah explained.

"Take it Cas. I mean, I'm not worth losing that. I'm just a hunter." Dean sighed.

"Just a hunter? Wow, you are so stupid. Your family is a legend. Both lines of it. Your mothers too. She's the reason you're hunters you know? Poor little Mary, a ceiling fire ended her reign." Savannah snickered.

"Hand me my grace." Cas ordered.

"Good. Here." Savannah tossed him his grace. "I'm your sister and your best friend. You two, go give that book to John. It belongs to him, with an added page from my dad. Our dad Castiel. God himself! Go, I have to clean before Kevin gets here." Savannah shoes the boys and they left.

"Well, that was completely unexpected." Dean said as they got into the impala.

"Agreed. Me and angel? Really? My drunk father God?" Cas questions.

"Well, I get the angel part." Dean's finger found their way to Cas' delicate face.

"Dean, you don't have to li-" Dean pressed his lips against Cas' forcefully. Again, as Dean normal did so, he held nothing back. He had to hold himself back from stripping Cas and making love in the impala. Cas loved the kiss, he always loved when he and Dean kissed. The way Dean's lips would kiss the skin on Cas' neck.

"Okay, I get it, I get it." Cas gasped.

"Angel or not, I love you. And you are definitely an angel to me." Dean smiles.

"Jesus Christ, are you trying to get laid." Cas muttered under his breath.

"So, we should tell my dad the jobs over and give him his journal back." Dean said, dragging out the sentence.

"Or we can wait until tomorrow and go make out back at my place." Cas suggested with a smirk.

"Yeah, let's go with that plan." Dean smirked back. The drive back to Cas' place was short and the minute they arrived, the briskly walked inside, slamming the front door behind them. Dean shoved Cas against the door, his lips clashing almost violently with Cas', Cas slumping a bit as he brought on hand to the back of Dean's neck, and the other tangled in Dean's hair.

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