Destiel ~ Protective

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A/N: I'm sorry if my last few one shots were crap, I'll work on it. Writers block isn't the most helpful thing when you have it 24/7 for the past two months.


Dean and Sam normally took Cas and Gabriel out to the bar every Friday. Mind you, Cas and Dean have been dating for a seven months, while Sam and Gabriel have been together a little more than a year. Since Angels/archangels didn't get drunk easily, Cas and Gabriel could drink themselves silly.

"How are you not dead yet?" The bartender asked Cas. They man had a scar that went from the top of his right cheek down to his jaw, his eyes a dark demonic brown, his hair a flaming red. Great, it's a ginger.

"Strong immune system." Cas replies and the bartender gives him another shot. Dean and Sam were talking about a hunt when some blond chick with big breasts that practically spilled out of her tight tube top, decided to flirt with Cas.

"Aren't you attractive! What's a guy like you doing here alone?" She giggled.

"Lady, he didn't come here alone." The bartender gestures to somewhere behind her and sees Dean making a crude gesture, then running his finger across his throat, threatening her.

"Like he scares me." The girl laughs, shamelessly continuing to flirt her fake plastic ass off.

"I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend." Cas tried to get away, but found himself unable too.

"So you're gay? Well, I think I can fix that." The girl winked.

"Can you please leave me alone?" Cas whimpered.

"You must go to the gym a lot." She giggles.

"Bitch, what part of taken do you not understand? Your fake ass can get your hands off my boyfriend." Dean growled.

"A hunk like him deserves a goddess like myself." The girl smirked. Cas got off the stool and hid behind Dean, gripping Dean's leather jacket.

"Dean, can we leave? She is making me feel uncomfortable." Cas asks quietly.

"Of course Cas." Dean pays for the drinks, telling Sam they're heading home and grabs Cas' hand, pulling him out of the club. They got in the impala where Dean proceeded to press an excessively long kiss to Cas' lips, to which Cas responded almost right away, kissing Dean back with as much passion as he could muster.

"Dean," Cas mumbles, pulling away panting, "we're still at the bar and I'm not having sex in the impala if that's where your intentions were going." Cas gasped.

"Just proving your mine." Dean pecked Cas' lips. "Mine." Cas laughed and smiled at Dean. Dean started the impala, driving home with little jokes here and there. They pulled up at the bunker, walking inside and just being dorks, you know, the usual.

"Seems like every time we go out, someone hits on me." Cas sighs. Dean pressed a finger to Cas' lips. Cas went cross eyes as he stared at the finger.

"I know you're mine, so all of the people who hit on you don't have a chance. Doesn't mean I won't kick their asses if they get to touchy." Dean smiled.

"Dean you idiot." Cas smiles, putting himself into Dean's arms.

"Want to listen to crap music on the radio?" Dean asks with a raised brow, giving Cas a questioning look.

"Sounds like a blast." Cas chuckles and Dean turns on the radio.

"Carry on my w-"

"No." Dean mutters, changing the channel.

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