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"Y-you want me to e-explain, w-what?" he stammered. 

I rolled my eyes. "Zane, you know exactly what needs to be said," I told him.

"H-how do you know that I wasn't born with these ears and tail?" he asked.

I shook my head, looking to the ground, "You won't like my answer. It's something to do with the powers I was born with..."

He shrugged, "Fine. I wasn't born with these ears and tail, are you happy?"

"But how did you get them? I-I want to know." I said, "I-I don't want to suspect myself of being the one who turned you. I really don't want that!" I exclaimed, getting ready to let the water-works out. 

"Hey, don't cry..." he began saying. "Nana. I was going to tell you... but you know what... right now, I think, for your sake, I should have my sister explain for you."

I frowned, "Why do you want Beca to explain? She's not even a meif~wa!"

Zane smirked, "And that's where you're wrong," he said, pulling out his phone and dialling it. 

My eyes widened, making me bite my lip, and hard. "What?!" I exploded.

He rolled his eyes, covering the speaker at the bottom of the phone. "Ssh, I'm on a phone call!" he said, with a kiddish smile on his face. Still biting my lip, I shook my head and smiled, scraping my chair back and placing a half-full plate on the counter.


"Zenix," I whined. "Why are there so~ many~ stairs," I said, whining, dragging out each word. I rested my head on his shoulder, as I continued climbing the stairs. 

He made a face, then pushed my head off him. "You're not making it any easier for me. Especially if you're just going to stop, and I have to carry you the rest of the way," he answered. 

"It's not my fault I'm having your baby!" I hissed.

"Well, for some things, it takes two for it to work. But not this," he said, before smirking and skipping at least four steps with each leap, going up the rest of the staircase without me. 

Traitor, I mumbled. I trudged up the stairs - six flights of stairs - when I was interrupted by my phone call. I've been at the university since eight this morning, and I can't have a break? I told myself, pulling out my phone. Why was Zane calling me? 

I could've let it continue to ring, or slide to answer, I chose to slide, leaning against the wall of the fourth staircase, putting my phone to my ear. 


"Hey Zane, what do you want?" I asked.

"Well, that's a rude way to say hi to your favourite brother," he answered.

"Wha-? I didn't say you were my favourite! I could choose my younger brother much to your dislike-ed-ness... erm, what's got you in a good mood?"

"You wouldn't dare! But Nana told me something incredible just now." 

"That she's pregnant? News flash, so am I!" I said sarcastically, "She finally tell you?"

"W-what? You know?!" 

"Yup. And she even ran to me when she found out, three weeks ago... I think..."

"I- you know what? We have more important things to talk about."

"And that is?"

"Well... when Nana told me she was pregnant... my brain went to fight and flight mode, and I uhm..."

"Zane, you must've done something really stupid to be rambling," I began walking up the stairs again. 

"My ears and tail came out." 

I stopped, "THEY WHAT!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT NANA WOULD SAY!?" I practically yelled, almost running up the stairs now. 

"She, uhm, wants answers. Now she's looking me in the eye, listening to my every word... Beca, I know it's kind of late, but can you come as quickly as you can?" he asked.

"Now?" I whined, "I can barely get up the stairs of my apartment building!"

"Please! Even for your favourite brother?"

"Fine... hang on a sec, don't hang up yet," I told him, I covered the speaker and ran up the rest of the stairs, opening the unlocked apartment door, that Zenix and I share. "ZENIX!" I yelled, he was seated on the couch on his phone. 

"Yeah babe? What is it?" he asked, not looking at me.

"I'm going to Phoenix Drop, I'll be back in a few hours." I said, turning out towards the door.

"You're what? ...Hey Beca!" he called, grabbing my hand. "I'm coming," he said.

"Mm-kay, but you'll have to stay with Gene and Sasha, when I'm at Zane and Nana's, okay?" 

He shrugged, grabbing a navy jumper and putting it on, "If you say so." 

I made a face, "What's with the jacket?" I asked.

"Oh, this isn't for me. This is for my fiancé, because she doesn't bring her own jumpers wherever she goes, and always takes mine," he explained, sprinkling it in sarcasm. I scoffed and put my phone back to my ear. 

"Yeah, we're coming, we'll see you in an hour, depending on the traffic," I told Zane, as my stomach rumbled, "Make that an hour and a half." 

"Fine," he said, "I'll see you then, bye."

"Bye," I said hanging up the phone and putting it my pocket, starting to go down the stairs. 

"The baby's hungry," Zenix said, with a smirk on his face.

"The baby's always hungry," I said, rolling my eyes.

My fiancé smirked, "And that's a good thing." 

"This may be the hormones talking, but hey babe, stuff it," I said, as we got into my sedan. I turned on the exhaust and clipped in my seatbelt. 

"I think I deserved that," Zenix mumbled, sitting in the passengers seat. 

"Yeah, you did." 

He scoffed, "I don't need to suffer any more today."

"You're not the one, with college students hitting on you every day. Even if you have a serious relationship. And, might I add, that I'm pregnant." I said, now looking him straight in the eyes. 

He smiled, "Aww, you're cute, you know that?" he asked.

"I know." I clicked my tongue to the '2U' tune, for a good, twenty-seconds. "Well, we'd better leave now, or my brother will get cranky at me."

"Very well then," he said, and leaned back into his seat.

"But I have to stop somewhere or I'll pass out. KFC or Macca's?" I asked.

"Let the baby decide," he answered, again on his phone.

"McDonald's it is." I said, and began driving north to Phoenix Drop... They want answers? They'll get answers...

Word Count: 1083

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