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A few days after returning to normal from the switch, Katelyn felt worried. 

Not that everyone wasn't startled by the quake, everyone had been, but, this was different. She had an unsteady gut feeling that something was up with her. 

Without many details, Katelyn met up with Nana in private, around four in the afternoon. The bluenette made sure that there weren't many people around or any at all, yet she knew the rooms were mostly soundproof. 

Plus, it was normal for Nana and Zane's door to be closed and locked, so Katelyn felt a little reassured by that. "What's up?" Nana asked.

Katelyn didn't answer, instead, she silently grabbed a clean towel and stuffed it in the gap under the door. "Katelyn?"

Katelyn bit her lip and twiddled her thumbs. Almost as if she were nervous, which she was. She sighed, "I... I think I-" 

Nana gave her a look as if to say 'what?' "Spit it out, Katelyn."

"I think I'm pregnant."

Nana's jaw dropped, "you're kidding."

Katelyn looked away, "no, no, I'm not kidding." 

"Well, are you sure?"

She shook her head, "I'm late. I came to see if you maybe had a test?"

Nana nodded and stood up. "I have some. But, we could do it together, maybe?"

Katelyn froze, "Really?"

The meif~wa shrugged and plumped a pillow that she was leaning against. "Zane and I agreed to have a break, enjoy the summer and all, then, come back to it," Nana said taking in a deep breath and building it up in her cheeks. "Come on."

Katelyn began to follow her and stopped. 

What if it was positive? If it was, what if she wouldn't be a good mother? What if Travis left her when he found out? What if-

Nana put her hand on Katelyn's arm. "Don't worry, it's always scary the first time, then it can get better."

"Yeah? And how many times have you done it?" She shot back, pulling out her arm from Nana's reach. 

 Nana began counting, using her fingers to assist her. "Eleven times, twice in university."

"And how many were positive?" 


Katelyn made a face. "When was the second?"

"A month ago? We had another miscarriage, but we didn't want to tell everyone."

The bluenette sighed, "Come on, let's take the tests." 

First, Nana took hers, but they agreed to wait and do it at the same time. Katelyn went in next, hallucinating for a few moments before urinating on the stick. A few intense minutes rose upon the pair, sitting on the bathroom floor against the bath until the time was up. Katelyn's was on the left and Nana's was on the right. 

Nana's ten-minute alarm almost sent Katelyn flying across the room, making her fall into the empty bath when she was sitting on the ledge. The meifwa apologised and they picked up their stick. 

Katelyn was nervous, worried, and terrified. There were no words that could determine her fear. Nana was okay, but she was more scared to see what was lying on the other side of Katelyn's stick.

Nana was pretty sure of what was awaiting her, but she didn't want to point any fingers, yet. 

As they were about to flip it, Katelyn chickened out, but Nana gave her a small smile. On the countess of three, they flipped it. 


She watched Katelyn's emotionless face as she stared at the stick. Katelyn let out a deep, shaky breath and looked up at Nana. Nana glanced at hers. The sticks were identical. 

Nana was ecstatic, but she was so much more worried for her best friend. Katelyn ran into Nana's arms and sobbed. 

Nana listened to her best friend's almost silent sobs. She'd never heard Katelyn cry before, but Nana let her do so until she was ready to stop. 

"What am I going to tell, Travis?" Katelyn asked, still crying but managing to slow them down. Stupid hormones. 

"Well, you tell him exactly what he needs to know. I hid it from Zane with our first." 

Katelyn stepped back and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Thank god for waterproof mascara. "Or we could do it together?" Nana suggested. 

Katelyn nodded. "Travis said he was going to stream on his phone in the game room, he'd still be there," She answered.

The girls texted their fiancé and waited for them to show up in Nana and Zane's room without being seen. 

"What's up?" Travis asked with his arms crossed. 

Katelyn and Nana looked at each other then turned back to their fiancés. Katelyn first. 

They didn't how Travis would react, maybe it would have been like Zane's first outburst or maybe it could be okay. 

Nana looked at Zane and tapped her index finger to her lips to keep him from asking questions. 

Katelyn bit her lip and handed the stick - upside down - to Travis. His eyes widened, he held it and flipped it multiple times to figure it out. Well, it wasn't a COVID test. "You're pregnant?"

She nodded. Travis grinned from ear to ear. "That's amazing!"

"Are you serious?" Katelyn questioned. 

"I'm going to be a dad!"

She grinned too, "yeah."

Nana turned to Zane as Katelyn and Travis embraced one another. "Zane."

"Lemme guess," Zane said with a smug grin. 

"Here's your stick," Nana answered. 

Zane took one glance at it and laughed. "Yes!" He exclaimed picking up Nana and giving her a twirl, like in a cliche romance movie. They kissed and broke apart, "Third one's the charm, huh?"

"So, you're both pregnant?" Travis questioned. 

"Yeah," they replied looking at one another. 

"Let's hope we don't have to start a daycare centre around Mystreet," Travis suggested.

"Maybe that would blow up too."

"I hope not."

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