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(please consider that the top image is a boy with a blue hat)

Two days later, Nana and Zane went to visit Becca at Falcon Claw Hospital. Once they arrived and climbed out of the car, Zane thought it was an appropriate time to comment.

"Funny, I thought I was here yesterday," Zane said. 

Nana bit her lip to hold her laughter, even if it wasn't funny. "If you were here yesterday, then why didn't you visit her then?" She asked as Zane locked the car and began walking inside. 

"I'm not a paediatrician or an obstetrician, so I'm not exactly allowed in that ward. I could've, but then I wouldn't have met him with you." 

Nana grinned, "I'm glad you waited for me. But now, you're a visitor and your shift isn't until tomorrow afternoon." 

They went inside and were greeted by Zane's coworkers, then got vague directions to Becca's room down in the maternity ward. 

Although Zane had passed all these halls hundreds of times, somehow he felt uncomfortable and out of place. Maybe it was because he was used to the hospital being loud and full of rushing sick people, it was always alive. 

Here, the ward was almost silent. It smelt different. It sounded different, except for the occasional overreacting mothers-to-be who whined in agony down the halls. He could hear faint crying babies and soft clambering through the rooms. 

Finally, they reached room 602 and knocked before entering. Inside, Becca was on her phone in the hospital bed with her pyjamas on while Zenix was across the room on the armchair holding the swaddled baby in his arms. 

"Hey Becca, hey Zenix," Zane said as he and Nana walked into the room, Nana waved. 

Becca clicked off her phone and Zenix - carefully - passed down the baby to her. "May I introduce to you, Alexander Phoenix," Becca said with a soft smile. 

"We call him Xander," Zenix added.

"He's so cute when he sleeps! Garroth was right, he does look like Becca," Nana remarked before turning to Zenix. "No offence." 

"None taken." 

Becca smirked. "Wait until you see his eyes," she said, loosening the swaddle as he grabbed her finger with his hand. 

"He's waking up!" Nana exclaimed with a hushed voice trying hard to hold in her excitement. 

"And he sleeps through the vacuum," Zenix said.

"I told you he has blonde hair," Zane stole Nana, who turned to him and made a face before turning back to the Bub. 

"There's some red in there too, there's not much, but you can see it," Becca added. "Would you like to hold him, Nana?"

The bubblegum-haired meifwa's face lit up. "Of course!" Nana grinned and sat down on Zenix's vacant chair as they passed her the baby. "He's so small. Hi, I'm your Auntie Nana." 

Becca leaned towards Zane. "She's destined to be a mum, Zane. He likes her too, he's not crying as he did with Dad and Zenix's brothers, earlier." 

Zane turned to face her, "Seriously? He did that?"

She shrugged, "Xander's fine with Zenix, mum and I, but essentially no one else."

"She's gonna need the practice, we've got one coming in May."

Becca's jaw dropped open. "No way! You're kidding."

Zenix turned away from his son to the twins who were silently laughing. "What's happening?"

"Nana's pregnant."

Zenix titled his head, "I thought she already was, though."

"Nix, they had two miscarriages before this one."

Zenix nodded, "Congratulations."

Zane smiled, "Thank you, we're excited too. Let's hope for better luck than before. So, Becca, when are you being discharged?" He asked changing the subject.

"Tomorrow, I think. Zenix needs to have the baby capsule installed into my car, then Xander's hearing tests and physicals before we can leave."

Zane nodded his head in agreement. "That sounds right."

Zenix sighed and ran a hand through his brunette hair. "You know, I hadn't realised how high the maternity checks are," he pointed out. 

"All of which pays those who work for the hospital and keeps things in check," Zane said with a grin. Zenix scoffed as Becca laughed. 

Zane glanced over to his fiancé. "Okay Nana, my turn now."

Nana groaned and pouted but reluctantly handed over her nephew. Zane cradled the baby whose hand grabbed hold of his index finger. Xander squirmed and began opening his eyes for Zane to see. Staring back at the man was brown, yet with a tint of red, eyes that watched him. 

Zane chuckled at the baby who was melting his heart into pieces. Xander continued wiggling and escaping out of the blanket, kicking out his long legs. "You have a fighter."

Becca slumped against the elevated hospital cot. "Don't we know it? He'll be a pain in the arse that'll get away with anything." 

"Hello Xander, I'm your uncle Zane." The baby kept eye contact with his maternal uncle, his brown eyes almost hypnotising Zane with his purity and innocence. 

Eventually, Zane and Nana left giving a brief explanation to Zenix about their idea outside the hospital room, who thought it was a good idea. Later, the couple ventured around Falcon Claw for a couple of hours before returning home and vaguely planning the small gathering that Becca and Xander deserved. 

The next day, a group of people, including the Ro'Meaves, the Shadow Knights, Aphmau, Aaron, Kim, Katelyn, Travis and a handful more, came to celebrate the birth of the baby boy. 

Blue streamers and a banner reading, "it's a baby boy!" were hung up. A combination of easily prepared party food was laid out across the kitchen counter such as meat pies, sausage rolls, spring rolls, fries, chicken nuggets and calamari. 

Finally, when the car rolled up the driveway, they hid as the new family walked inside. Once the door was unlocked and opened, Becca gasped at the decorations and then at Zenix who was holding Xander in the baby car seat. 

"Congratulations!" Everyone cheered jumping out of their hiding spots, cooing over the newborn and speaking with his parents. 

"Enough talking," Aphmau announced, "I wanna meet the baby," she said dismissing the conversation and making her way to the child. 

"Stuff you, he's my nephew."

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