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HAPPY BE-LATED EASTER AND ANZAC DAY! (and Mother's Day, sorry for late update... writers block really sucks-)


Zenix Barlowe, spent the next two hours, binge-watching 'The Mandalorian' again with Sasha and Gene. He had seated himself in the arm-chair that Zenix used to call home, years before. Gene and Sasha were asleep on the l-shaped black couch... and cuddling. 

The curly-haired brunette cringed at the sight of his best friends and checked the time on his phone, finding that it was half past ten. Zenix grabbed the nearest piece of blank paper he could find, a pen, and wrote a short yet simple note that he was leaving, and simply did.

Zenix almost ran across the dark street, scrambling his jumper over his head to Zane and KC's house, immediately he identified a beautiful, cherry blossom orchard, out the front. Noticing Beca's car still parked out the front, and assuming she hadn't left without him, the brunette knocked on the door. 

He waited a minute until Zane answered it, "Hey Zenix, you're here for my sister?" he said in a hushed tone. 

"Yeah, is she still here?" Zenix asked, louder than intended.

"Ssh!" Zane exclaimed, holding his index finger to his lip. "And she is, but, asleep on the couch." 

Zenix frowned, and peered inside, clearly seeing her passed out on the couch, just as he saw KC asleep on the armchair close to her, in the same breath.

"Are you going back to Falcon Claw now?" Zane asked, rubbing his forearm. 

Zenix shook his head, his curls falling out of place. "It's already half past ten, and it's dangerous to drive back now, considering how tired she looks." 

"Do you wanna stay here for the night? We have some spare clothes you guys can use, we have the two guest rooms ready to go if you'd like," Zane suggested.

"You're okay with that?" 

"Anything for Beca. I know Nana would be fine with that, but you and my sister are a package, can't go one place without the other." 

Zenix laughed, "All right, sounds good."

"How do you think we should get Beca upstairs?" Zane asked.

He shrugged, "We could carry her upstairs? Or just wake her up, I bet she'd be relieved to not climb five flights of stairs for once."

Zane sighed, "We'll wake her up, but Nana first, so she can help." Zane shook KC and she woke up slowly. 

"Hey Zane..." she said quietly, "That's Zenix isn't it, what's Beca still doing here?" she asked.

Zane nodded at KC, "They're staying the night, can you get some pyjama's for Beca, while I get clothes for Zenix?" Zane explained.

"Yeah, sure," she answered, sitting up.


Zane had given Zenix a change of clothes which had been left by Vylad when he stayed overnight once before. "Wouldn't Vylad mind me using his clothes?" he'd asked.

"Can't hurt if he doesn't know. It's only a top and tracksuit," Zane answered.

Twenty minutes later, Zane had assigned a room for the two of them, just next door to his and his girlfriend's. Beca was dressed in one of Zane's navy blue t-shirts (which was too big for her) and one of KC's pink pyjama shorts. "Tired, huh?" Zenix asked, as Reb yawned. 

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