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Instead of drinking and hanging out in the pool with their bikinis, gossiping about the cute boys they saw on the beach, the girls collided their day into making ice cream. 

Homemade ice cream. 

The kind of ice cream that has the smallest ice shards and the smoothest cream you can imagine, well, only if you have liquid nitrogen. 

They had decided to become scientists while in possession of the freezing chemical. Why the hell not?

It was Remmi's suggestion to check the locked cupboard in the hallway upstairs to see if there was any of the liquid nitrogen. To her surprise there actually was, but as she went to retrieve it, she ran into Dante and Laurance who were taking the CO2 from the walk-in-closet down the upstairs hallway. 

"What're you doing?" She asked, holding the full liquid nitrogen kit in her arms, with the tank on a trolley behind her. 

"I... uh... w-we have a p-project," Laurance stuttered, looking towards his partner in crime, at least Remmi thought so. Guys just happened to be weird. There was no way she could've read the two like she does with her brothers, and Kasey. 

"Sure, a project," the girl responded, creating air-quotes. "We have a project too," She added, raising her eyebrows, she then decided not to question the two. "Okay then. But be careful with your tank, you know, if you drop it, or make the slightest sudden movement, it can explode."

She didn't exactly mean it, but it had been years since she'd stepped foot in a chemistry class, all she could remember was that CO2 could be dangerous if not handled properly, and with the way the two were acting, she couldn't be too careful. 

With a smirk, Remmi turned on her converse heel and turned back down to the stairs with the tank and kit in tow. 

"I got it!" She called out, laying down the kit on their kitchen island and setting down the tank beside the counter. 

There happened to be enough goggles for all the girls to wear, as well as three pairs of gloves, that were handed to Nana, Aphmau and Katelyn.

The experiment included a variety of different flavours, and excessive amount of creams to share around, which was modified to each flavour that they'd prepared.

The first was a classic vanilla bean, the second, strawberry, the third being mint with minuscule (substituted) chocolate chips, and finally a mix of berries with raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, banana and a tinge of peppermint, as well as a trace of vanilla essence, in which they called 'a berry flush'.

"I feel like a scientist," Aph remarked, using her gloved hands to adjust the goggles over her eyes.

"Aphenstein," Katelyn joked, making unnecessary ghostly sounds.

"It's alive~! It's alive~! I've done it!" Cadenza exclaimed in her best Frankenstein voice, rolling her hands around a strawberry that she presented high in the air. 

"Wahhh, I'm scared, but I'm seriously ecstatic to see how this turns out," Kim said, running on the spot. 

"Nana's only adding the ice, then we'll see if we've followed her recipe properly or if we messed up," Remmi added, pulling her hair in a bun. 

"You were saying Dante and Laurance were taking the CO2 for a project. Did you fins out what kind of project?" Lucinda asked.

Remmi just shrugged, " How about we just hope they don't blow themselves up," Aph answered.

"Nana, you ready?" Katelyn questioned.

Nana sighed, "As I'll ever be. My recipe says to do it for ten-seconds, although I'm sure we can do it for longer so it's firmer. We'll gradually add the liquid nitrogen and do it slowly. Our test subject will be the vanilla because it's the easiest to make," She instructed.

"You're the boss," Tatiana responded.

"Sounds about right," Melissa said, reading over the laminated copy of the recipes.

"Here goes nothing," Nana again sighed, she pulled the cork from the tank and with Katelyn's help they lifted it over the aluminium bowl of cream. 

With the additional squeals from the girls, they removed it after fifteen-seconds, to check how it turned out, Nana quickly adding in more nitrogen for another ten-seconds before deciding it was finished.

The vanilla cream was no longer runny like milk, it was thick, cold, and difficult to stir; meaning they must've done something right. 

Aphmau immediately grabbed a teaspoon, as the cold steam brushed away and took out a small scoop. Looking closely you'd be able to see the tiny shards of ice looking right back at you. 

"So, that's how you make ice cream!" Tatiana exclaimed.

"Yep, all thanks to liquid nitrogen," Kim replied, picking up her own teaspoon. 

Aph then put it in her mouth, and moaned, savouring the delicious substance that could slide right down your throat. They continued the same process for the rest of the ice cream creams, right to perfection, picking up the perfect time to remove the nitrogen. 

The ice creams could've been at ten litres per batch that they'd made, which is a hella lot of ice cream. Using the gigantic containers provided by the resort, they transferred each one before placing them all away in the freezer. 

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