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In the end, Cadenza's engagement party for Zane and Nana reigned to their intentions after their long, yet exhausting and productive week. 

But, before then, the engaged couple made sure to tell the rest of their friends and family face-to-face, beginning with their parents. 

Fortunately, Sylvanna and Eric decided it would be great to have brunch at the well-known and respected taco restaurant nearby (a whole lot of attention was drawn up when the main group introduced One Direction to the diner a fortnight before). Alanna, Zianna, Garte and Mamoru decided to stay behind and hang out for the day. 

Nana called to say she and Zane were heading up for a visit, yet Garte couldn't shake off the feeling that he knew something, something good was going to happen. 

The pair were immediately greeted and fussed over with hugs and shaken hands. They seated themselves down on the couch and Nana grinned as she looked toward Zane. 

"So, we have an announcement to make," Nana said excitedly trying to hold back a squeal. 

"We're engaged," Zane answered as Nana lifted her left hand with the ring. 

A squeal ran up Zianna's lips and Alanna cheered. Their fathers gave Nana a hug and Zane a handshake. "When are you getting married!?" Alanna asked, but the smiles on their faces instantly drained. 

"Um... I-I guess we haven't exactly come to that just yet," Nana replied, "We haven't planned anything."

"We're still getting our heads wrapped around the whole thing," Zane intervened.

"Yeah, one day we had a fight, then Zane proposed, then we lost the baby, then the typhoon," Nana listed, realising what she wasn't supposed to say. Zane shot her a glare. 

"Did you say, baby?" Zianna asked.

"What baby did you lose?" Garte questioned, sitting down on the couch in a strict business fashion. 

"U-um..." Nana said, losing her own words around her tongue. 

"Zane. Which baby?" Zianna asked again, as he sighed and looked to the ground. 

"Okay, fine. Nana was pregnant in late April. Just after I proposed, Nana said we were having a girl and everything was going great. That was until the next morning, I left her to have a shower and found her crying and screaming in her bed. Becca managed to get her to spit it out and then Nana showed me the baby she managed to save. Sure, we cried but accepted that Zaliah had passed and covered her over," Zane explained, releasing a shaky breath. 

"Oh," Zianna whispered.

"So, you named her Zaliah?" Mamoru questioned, trying to brighten the mood. 

"Yeah, after mum," Zane replied, as Zianna returned with a grateful smile. 

"Zaliah Ro'Meave," Nana said to herself with a laugh. 

"You know what I told my eldest when she lost her first?" Alanna said.

"Ami lost her first?" Nana asked, tilting her head. 

"And her second, but I told her children were a blessing, and you wouldn't have the ones you have if you hadn't lost the first. You would look back a decade from that point in time and see how the miscarriage changed you for the better. You wouldn't have what you have then if the baby hadn't fallen," Alanna explained, feeling pleased with herself. "Oh crap, we need to call the kids." She said with a tinge of realisation, she stood up but Mamoru pulled her back down. 

"They've waited a month, they can wait a few more minutes," He said.

"How many miscarriages did you have, mum?" Nana questioned, allowing Zane to pull her in closer to him. 

"Two. One after your eldest sister, then one after Haruto. But, Zianna..."

Zane took a second to focus. His mum had also had miscarriages, but he'd never been told initially. Was he supposed to know?

"Mum?" Zane asked, and his mother gave a sigh and looked toward her husband who gave a nod. 

"Well, all I can say is that we've had a miscarriage streak for a while. We've lost four," Zianna answered. 

"Our first and second were before Garroth. The first was a miscarriage, which we believed was a boy, and the second... The second was stillborn, where we lost him the day he was born," Garte explained.

"That was Blake," Zianna said. "Our next was GarGar, then another miscarriage. So, when we heard we were having twins, we were, we were over the moon. So, we named Becca after Blake and our miscarriages, while Zane's namesake was chosen after your father's grandfather who passed at 97, three months before you were born. Then we unintentionally had Vylad, then five years later we tried again at least a dozen times. We had another miscarriage, then we decided to be grateful for who were already had," She explained.

"Your mother cried at each birth after she heard you crying, and each loss," Garte added, trying to add a sense of cheer into the room, even if it wasn't funny. 

"Oh! We made some cupcakes, would you like some?" Alanna offered, as the younger couple grinned at one another. 

You'd think after hearing that story, that they'd act like adults with a polite 'yes, thank you'. But instead, they decided to add a side of fun to the room. 

"Cupcakes!" They yelled, running to the kitchen island. 

Of course, they were only joking, but from that moment on Zianna continued to baby Zane and the rest of her children. Yeah, even Garroth and Vylad. 

They didn't understand why, but they were glad she did. 

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