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i think im going to leave it on 3rd person pov for now

Once Kim had packed her two suitcases with as much as she could, making sure to add the necessities, she headed over for Garroth and Laurance's place next door to her. As she ran down the stairs, down to where Lucinda and Tatiana were in the dining room, she avoided eye contact and slammed the door behind her. 

Seconds later, she'd repeatedly rang the doorbell at Garroth and Laurance's place, almost breaking it in the process. Kim was bottled up with anger, trying to hide it with monitored breathing and the relief of finally leaving Lucinda and Tatiana. 

Kim heard a faint 'I'm coming', and the sound of an elephant posse, that roamed on the second floor, that trailed down the stairs and to the front, well, side door. If they hadn't opened the door when they had, she would've had Ghost break down the door for her. She heard the light clicking and unlocking of the padlocks. 

Her thoughts disintegrated when the door opened without a sound. Kim wasn't expecting any creaks since the door had to be replaced regularly when someone on street broke down the door. Garroth was wearing a white top, jeans and sneakers, meanwhile Laurance was in a navy polo top, jeans and black converse. 

"Oh hey Kim!" Garroth said, almost pulling her an awkward hug, except he stopped when he received a glare from Laurance.

"What brings you by?" Laurance asked.

"I'm moving in," the brunette girl, announced, to the pair. It took a few moments for Laurance and Garroth to process what they said. They gave a look, that wasn't too different from Laurance's glare, the blonde had received seconds before. 

Garroth opened his mouth to speak, as Kim interrupted. "You heard me. I'm moving in. Now."

"Of course. You can move in." Laurance simply slapped Garroth on the arm, giving a 'what are you doing!?' look, as Garroth avoided eye contact, rubbing his where he was smacked. 

"Why do you need to move in?" Kim frowned, "Lucinda and Tatiana, I need a break from them," she simply explained. 

"I-I erm... u-uh Kim..." Garroth began, when Laurance smirked.

"What's so funny?" Kim questioned.

"Nothing," the light brunette snapped, then he winked at Garroth, who nodded reluctantly. "We'd love to have you as a roommate! You can have Zane's old room," Laurance said.

Ghost giggled to herself, in the back seat of Kim's mind. Garroth and Laurance each picked up a suitcase and carried it up the stairs with Kim following close behind. They stopped at the second (and last) door to the right.

"A-And this would be your room," Garroth said, opening the door and placing down the luggage. Inside, was a bed frame, without a mattress, a built in closet to the right of the room, a large window to the left side of the room, and adjustable brightness lights on the ceiling. 

"You sure this was Zane's room?" Kim asked.

"Best room in the house. Zane renovated it a bit. So, my room is across the hall and Laurance's is next door to you. If you need anything just shout," Garroth explained, somehow over his stuttering sessions with himself. 

Kim frowned, "You're actually letting me stay? ...You don't even know if I have a job, you practically whisked me in here. Are you positive you'd like me to stay?" she clarified. 

"Do you have a job?" Laurance asked, with a grin on his face.

Ghost quickly took over, taking control of Kim's body, moving her hands, directing her pupils and using her voice. "You know, it'd be pretty weird being roomies with a ghost and female," she said, distorting Kim's soft voice. The real Kim mindset was like sitting in the backseat of a car, while Ghost was driving. She could only really sit back and watch. 

Laurance jumped, as Garroth nodded his head. Doesn't look like the brunette was listening when they told everyone what had happened at Starlight. 

Ghost pursed Kim's lips together, forming a smile. 'All yours,' she thought, as Kim took back control. 

"Thanks," she answered, glad to be using her own voice again. 

"Kim? Right?" Laurance quivered, also considering grabbing Garroth's arm for comfort. That was terrifying for him. 

"Yep. Oh, and don't worry, that won't happen often. Ghost finds the worst times to express herself. At least that time, she did the right thing for a change... Do you guys mind helping me bring the rest of the things?" 

They both agreed and hours later, the trio had brought in many cardboard boxes with Kim's belongings inside and a mattress from her old place. Kim quickly gave them each a hug and closed the door on them. 

'They're going to be stuck with us now, aren't they?" Ghost asked.

"Oh yeah," Kim answered confidently, a smile drawing upwards across her face. 

...Except one question passed her, making her heart race. 'Garroth or Laurance...?'

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