Final Chapter Of Season 3

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Time: 4:21 PM
Location: Combine Outer Territory
Status: On Combat
Weather Status: Dawn

Xerchon King Fall on the ground, bleeding on his jaw after he receive a uppercut. He looks at BLU Furiously.

Xerchon King: Looks like it won't end well. But.

BLU: ?

Xerchon King: Activate The Trap!

A Red Magic Circle Surround BLU and circle magic barriers around him.

Xerchon King: Now! Incinerate him!

Xerchon Mages Raise Both of their hands and Black Red Flames burned BLU like inside the Chimney.

Xerchon King: Yes! We Did it!

All Xerchon Soldiers Cheers.

Xerchon Soldier: We Got That Bastard!

After The effects of the black flames, BLU was Standing here.

Xerchon King: W-What?!

Xerchon Soldier: Impossible! This Must be some Kind of Trick!

BLU: You Cannot Burn me, I'm already on Fire!

BLU was Still alive, A-Posing. He Noclips back to Gipsy Danger returns back to Pilot mode.

BLU: Nice Trick, But just a fire won't work on me that easily. Your plan was to lure me out and trap me to death, sadly it didn't work out that way.

Xerchon King: Tch.. All Units Attack!

All Enemies Charge at Our base with tons of Numbers.

BLU: Fire At Will!

All Soldiers, Synths and Machines Unload every single Red-necks they see. 10 Minutes Ti'll Our Backup Arrives. BLU Fires at Group Of enemies using Plasma Cannon against Magic Barriers users, giving a path for soldiers to shoot mages. The Radio responds to BLU's Comm.

Noelle: [Radio] Master...

Noelle's Voice sounds like she was seriously injured.

BLU: Tch.

BLU Press The Button "Auto-Pilot Mode"

Gipsy Danger: Auto-Pilot Engage.

BLU Press The Eject Button, Ready in 10 seconds. He take a seat with a Seatbelt locked, He takes off while Gipsy Danger will fight automatically to defend the HQ, The Eject Seat Turn into a Jetpack and flies straight to the very top of the HQ and lands on top. Seeing the Girls complete Injured, All Students we're passed out with some serious damages and all of their weapons were destroyed, A Person wearing a Red Noble outfit Holding Fay's Shoulder, his face almost look similar to the Xerchon King.

ID Name: Rolvo

Rolvo: Ah, Your Finally here...

Fay: Papa... 

BLU: You Bastard..

BLU: You Bastard

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