Chapter 21 Pirate Captain was a-?!

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Time: 9:31 AM

Location: Pirate Ship Docks

The Ambient of This place, you can hear the ocean of the wave splashing, seagulls flying around as it make a sound.

I Was Complete Tied Up, separated from my party.

I Woke Up as The Sunlight hits my face, my vision starts blur then back to normal. There's a Random Seagull on my head and it flies off.

I see 5 More Ships around here. This Ship has a flag with a Skull sign with a Pirate Hat, and the rest were just black flags.

I Don't Have My Current Daggers that Im using it. however I Still have 5/5 Weapon slots are available. Got The Toolgun Too.

Kayden: what the hell?

I Don't Even Know how long was i out.

Random Pirate: So your awake huh.

I saw People with Bandana's on their heads, some of them are bald head with a bit of sunburn and with their missing Teeth, holds a sword weapons.

Random Pirate: what makes you doing out of here when we dwell over the ocean.

I didn't respond.

Random Pirate: Not Talking? 

They Toss a wet dirty sponge on my face.

Random Pirate: then start cleaning! don't even try escaping or jump off on our ship. your get eaten by a giant squid eh?

They Just Laugh and cut the rope on me, im release and they just watching me. I was Frustrated that We didn't get home yet.

Kayden: 'Patience Kayden!, Patience... Ill Kick Their Ass Sooner or Later and get the hell out of this crappy ocean.'

However This Ship was bigger than the rest of the crew.

I Start Scrubbing the ground of the ship, but it didn't even change, its still crap. spawn a colorful sponge would caught alot of crewships attention. 

Random Pirate: Captain!

The Crew Member Notice The Captain Walking Down the Stairs, As I Notice The Captain........

The Pirate Captain was a-?!

A Woman?!

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A Woman?!

My Thought Went Shit as i saw this Captain, I Was expecting to be a Man with a Long Black Beard or Jack Sparrow. but this... I Can't Even Describe that woman..

ID Name: Juliet Everit <------- Age of 18.

Kayden: 'What The F-*quack*?!'

I must be Dreaming

I Just Looked at her for a Second, She Got a Musket and a Blunderbuss with a Skull Mark on it.

Juliet Looked at me with anger face. She Thought I just fell on her beauty gaze. Seriously I Just Looked at Her Because of what kind of weapon she was wielding.

Juliet: Stop Staring and Start Cleaning Peasant!! I Don't Care if your a Child!!

I Looked back to the ground and start cleaning, What a Tyrant and Loud as AF as she shouted at me.

Juliet: damn land lubbers..

Man.. I Really want to Punch her so bad right now, but I Cannot Do that yet... I don't know how long have been faraway from my home. Can't Open My World Wide GPS. It Can be Visible when Activated. For Now I Must Become More Patience when time is right, I Must Not Reveal Of What Truly I Am..

I Looked to The Left while Cleaning, I Can see The Other Ship and zoomed my Vision. Its Rad and Teressa, they were being force to clean. but where's Akia?

On A Captain's Room, Akia was a Toy of a Target of Dart Game completed Tied up on the wall on a background of Dartboard , she's lucky that she dodged all 10 Darts.

Akia: Help....

Juliet was busy using a pirate monocular then she looked at the map, she must be looking some treasure. then she checked the compass. I Zoomed my Vision on that map, An X Mark on a middle of an Ocean?

I Don't Understand what inside Her Head on That map?

Then I Continue Scrubbing.

10 Hours Later

Random Pirate: Food's Ready

That Guy Place a Food on the ground. Its a Fish with bones only.

Kayden: -_-, Not Hungry..

shit... Im really hungry right now.. I Skipped Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for one day. 



Inside The Captain's Room, There's a Picture Of Juliet and her Father.

In Past Days when she was young, Her Father Died on front of her eyes. He was Killed By The Mythical Monster Of a Giant Squid Called The Kraken.

Her Father Love Juliet So Much, She Remembered That She was Raised Very well. Thought how to fight, use guns, sword and Cannons.Her Father's Death, her life was almost destroyed, Juliet's True Goal was to search the Kraken for her entire life. and Kill The Kraken For Revenge.


Time: 8:42 PM

Im Just Sleeping with the rest of these Idiots under the Rig, Akia Might be Still up there.

Im Still Hungry.. But..


I go somewhere else on the part of this ship were you can't smell something on distance and i found it. Then I Spawn a One KFC Chicken Leg and a Pepsi.

I Quickly eat The Chicken with a sound effect of a Jackhammer by chomping the chicken leg. Even without a Gravy.

I Chug The Pepsi Very Fast and Delete The Chicken bone and a Empty can. Start Cleaning my Hands by using some hand sanitizer and delete it. No Evidence Left Behind.


*Low Sound Roar*

Kayden: What the hell?

Juliet Got out of the captain room as she recognize that Creature Sound.

Juliet: This is it..

She Pulls out Both Weapons and Alarmed The Rest of her Crew by Ringing The Bell.

<------------------- To be Continued



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