Chapter 51 Season 2 - Another Color, Same Mind

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Time: 10:46 AM
Location: Unknown Terrain
Status: Normal

Main Goal - Find Fay

Second Goal - Once I Find Fay, Go Home with her

Im On the Forest Alone

Kayden: Is This The Forest of Elasora? Looks Different Than Before. whatever.

So I Put my hands inside the pocket to grab Second True Magic: Kaleidoscope.

Kayden: I know Gil have me that blue orb thing so i can find Fay and get the hell out of here. hmm?

There's nothing on my pocket.

Kayden: ಠ_ಠ, Well Ain't that a load of shit..


Gil: The second true magic: kaleidoscope. It allows the user to travel to any parallel worlds in existence.

Kayden: OoOo. So I can travel here with this?

Gil: That's Right. With this, You can Find Her.

*Flashback Ended*

Kayden: I Dropped it when i fought with Gil last time... Damn it Haruto.... If Only he did hold back a bit and this wouldn't happened, and now im going to find Fay in the longest days which i planned not to stay here for too long.

Achievement Unlock: Bad Luck Charm

Kayden: T_T, anyway, since back on 1 Year, alot of people already know the rumors of Black Death, the good thing is most of 75% Do not Believe it, if they start draw a 100% Image of Me. I got a second solution and my new name.

Kayden's Color was changed

Kayden's Color was changed

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Kayden: That will work. 

Hours Later

Bandit: We Finally did it. We Managed to Snatch him and took him far away without getting notice.

Few Old Bloody 2 Horse Carriages full of bandits, the horses were walking slowly to converse energy.

Another Bandit Lord --> Swiftz: Finally, Once we manage to send a message to that King, we can finally be rich by raining Gold of Showers on us.

Bandit: But, What if they did attack us.

Swiftz: Don't Worry, They can't unless they do something stupid and this kid dies.

Bandit: That Royalty Kid?

Swiftz: That's Right! Were Invincible afterall. for now, lets get a safe place to stay and send the message to the bastard king to send us gold Tomorrow.

Bandit: Boss! There someone on front of us.

They Stopped the Horse.

Swiftz was inside the carriage along with the tied Royalty kid, its a boy with a Red Hair and Silver eyes. 

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