The Day You Appeared In My Life

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Disclaimer:this is a different AU Tommy knew Wilbur ,Techno, etc.. before BB (business bay)

Deo's POV:
I woke up rather late, it was 7:50 my school starts at 8:00. I dashed out of bed trying to get ready as fast as possible.

I burst into first period and the teacher wasn't really pleased seeing me in sweat with half eaten breakfast in one of my hands, While she was giving me a lecture I heard a chuckle in the crowd, It was a dirty blonde boy with ocean blue eyes, although the situation I was in, I had butterflies in my stomach.

Periods flew by quickly, then it was recess, I saw him talking with Tubbo and Ranboo, I wanted to talk to him, this opportunity was once in a life time, while I was busy in my thoughts he suddenly approached me. He stood in front of me introducing himself, he said "Hey, I'm Tom Simons but you can call me Tommy!"

Tommy's POV:
While talking to Tubbo and Ranboo I saw the guy who came in late to the classroom, he was wearing an orange shirt, glasses and.. a Santa hat?. Whatever I said to myself and approached him, I introduced myself then he replied with: "Hey, I uh- uhm my name is Deo" I chuckled a bit at his stutter but had to admit it was kind of cute, but I had planned to meet with Techno and Wilbur so they would show me around the school.

We exchanged numbers then I went to find Techno and Wilbur in a rush

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