|Chapter 4|

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|Diana's POV|

It has been a few days and Nathaniel has only gotten clingier and he's been getting closer and closer to me, he doesn't even eat on his breaks if I wasn't with him.

Today's a Saturday, so there's no kindergarten and I'm chilling in my living room, watching Netflix while eating cookies.

But suddenly, my phone rang, interrupting my peaceful moment and I was actually shocked to see that it was Emilio.

Me: Hello?
Emilio: Hi, could you please come to my house for a bit?
Me: uh-no?
Emilio: It's about Nate, he's been crying his eyes out for the past 30 minutes, saying that he wants to see you because he has to ask you something and he isn't telling me what it is.
Me: Fine, send me the address, I will change and go by bus.
Emilio: There's no need for that, just change your clothes and I'll send someone to pick you up in 20 minutes, is that alright?
Me: okay, no problem, and tell Nate to stop crying and that I'm coming with his favorite chocolate chip cookies.
Emilio: Alright, see you.
Me: Hmm.

After I hung up the call, I got up and went to my closet.

I chose a casual white shirt with oversized black pants and a white Air Force, and then I tied my hair into a high ponytail, and I went down to the kitchen and packed some cookies for Nate in a small Tupperware.

After that I went to the living room all dressed up and ready to leave.

I waited a few minutes, and then I heard a knock out the door. I opened up and it was a man who looked the exact same copy of Emilio but with a beard.

"Good evening! I'm Enzo, Emilio's brother, and I'm here to pick you up" He said, with a wide smile that could melt anyone's heart in seconds.

"Hello! I'm Diana, nice to meet you" I said, offering my hand for a handshake.

We shook hands and he asked if I was ready and I told him that I was ready to go, and then we got into his Ferrari.

Damn, the whole family drives Ferraris.

"I'm not actually surprised that Nathaniel likes you this much, you're really lovable" he said during our chats, flattering me with his kindness.

"Thanks for the compliment... I guess?" I said, unsure of my reply.

He chuckled at me, and the rest of the ride, we were talking about random things and getting to know each other, and actually he's really like me; we have a very close mindset and he also loves baking and kids just like me.


"Hello, thank god you got here!" Emilio said as soon as he opened the door, revealing Enzo and I.

"Is he still crying?" I asked him.

"No, but he's been digging a grave in my head since I told him that you're coming, asking me when you're gonna get here" He said, looking at me with 'so done' eyes, and I just noticed his messy hair which was making him look cuter yet like a chimpanzee.

I laughed at him as he sighed in disbelief and shook his head while rolling his eyes playfully.

"Ahem ahem!" Enzo fake coughed from behind me, making Emilio's eyes and mine go wide.

"Ugh-hehe, come on inside before Nathaniel comes running here and kills me" Emilio said, making Enzo and I chuckle as we went inside the house.

Then Emili took me to Nate's room where he was laying on his bed with a cute pout on his face, and his arms were crossed over his chest.

"Nate?" I called him softly, closing the door behind me as I entered his room with Emilio walking in front of me.

"Diana?" He asked, looking at me with sad eyes.

I went towards him, sat on the bed near him, and took him in my arms slowly.

"I missed you" He said in a low tone, hugging me.

I then felt Emilio's stare on both of us, and his stare felt intense.

"I missed you too, sweetheart" I replied, closing my eyes hearing his soft and soothing heartbeat.

"Why did you cry, Nate? Why did you give your dad a hard time?" I asked him, eyes still closed, and feeling Emilio's intense stare.

" I just... I just missed you and wanted to see you" he replied, sleepily as I opened my eyes and saw his eyelids slowly closing.

"Go to sleep, okay? You can ask me what you wanted to ask once you wake up" I added, rubbing circles on his back and rocking him back and forth slowly, until he fell asleep.

"He slept?" Emilio asked as I nodded my head, slowly getting up and putting him on the bed gently and then covering him with the thin duvet as it was spring.

"Yeah, I guess he's tired from crying" I replied, going towards the door.

Emilio followed me to the door and took me downstairs to the living room as I sat with Enzo, because he said that he has something to do and that he'll be back in a few minutes.

Enzo was actually a very nice guy, he's very sweet, respectful, and he's always smiling, quite the opposite of his brother; Emilio was cold, secretive, ruthless, reckless, and most of the time rude, but I'm sure that there's a reason for his cold act and I'm determined to find the reason.

"I'm back, I hope you two didn't miss me too much" he said arrogantly and sarcastically, god how much he loves to boost his ego.

"We didn't" I replied, turning back around, facing Enzo again.

"Oh no, you hurt my feelings, love, I didn't expect you to be that cold towards me, you're gonna make me cry" He said, wiping away his imaginary tears, sitting next to me and wrapping his left hand around my shoulders and resting it there.

"You really don't know no limits, do you?" I said, annoyed by his actions as I tried to remove his hands from around me but he didn't even budge.

"No, not when it comes to you" he replied simply, as he signaled Enzo something with his hand.

Enzo nodded his head and got up excusing himself and then left somewhere.

"You really think you can reject me and I'll let it slide easily, huh? You really aren't as smart as I thought you were" He stated with a smirk plastered on his face, his face was getting close to mine with each passing-second.

"And who said that I was expecting you to let it slide easily? I was actually waiting impatiently for your reaction for days" I replied, smirking at him in victory as his smirk immediately dropped.

"So it's like that then? You really wanna play that game kitten? I don't think you're ready for it" He added, brushing his lips over mine.

"The game's on, but just know that I'm gonna win, Mr. Martinelli" I replied, smiling sarcastically against his lips.

"You're playing with fire, kitten, and you're supposed to get burnt, but don't worry I won't let a single flame get within a thousand kilometers from you" He stated, emphasizing every single word making sure I heard and understood every word that got out of his mouth.

"DIANA!!" Nate screamed, crying his eyes out while running down the stairs.

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