|Chapter 18|

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|Emilio's POV|

Glaring at Ryden and I madly is what Diana has been doing for the past 2 hours and a half. Hell, she even threw a 'tantrum' because she did not want the doctor to check her and see if there were any places that hurt.

But coming to the most hard part to which I got punched by Ryden when I told him about, it is telling Diana that she is not able to have anymore kids; that she became infertile.

I know you are probably wondering how I am talking very normally about getting slapped, but let me tell you that I really do deserve it, but either way, she is his sister and he has every right to be angry as if it was not for me then she would have stayed fertile and had all the kids she ever dreamt of having, but I just had to crush all her dreams to the fucking grounds!

Anywho, I told everyone to leave Diana and I alone for sometime because I have to tell her something important.

After everyone left the room, I sat down on the hospital bed beside her as she sat up and laid her head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around her body, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"I actually have something really serious to tell you" I started with a heavy sigh escaping my lips.

She looked up at me through her thick lashes, and nodded her head for me to continue.

I let another sigh leave my lips as I decided that I am not going to beat around the bush.

"I am going to go straight to the point without beating around the bush... You can not get pregnant anymore; the doctors tried everything they could but they just could not do anything anymore about it" I ranted in one breath as I looked down to see her reaction, but she just looked at me with a straight, blank face.

"Say something... please" I pleaded but she just stayed silent for a few more minutes.

She continued looking at me with a blank expression, lost in her own world, without even a little tear in her icy eyes... until she sat up more and got out of my grip; she reached for her phone and opened the 'phone' app and called someone saved under the name 'Kai Lorenzo'.

It immediately clicked in my head as soon as I saw his name, and I instantly knew what she wanted him to do, but too bad that I already have what she wants him to get her.

|Diana's POV|

I froze as soon as those words escaped Emilio's lips, but I didn't cry, I didn't react at all; I just stared at him blankly while planning Kane's murder in my head, and the many and uncountable ways I can torture him in.

God, how fun that would be!

I continued planning for a few minutes and then reached out for my phone and called Kai, my partner.

Kai: Diana! It has been a few days, don't you think? The customer is beyond mad and disappointed.
Diana: Shut the fuck up, Kai! I have been fucking shot, didn't he tell you that? But either way, I need Kane Di Carlo in il mio magazzino tonight!
Kai: What do you need him for?
Diana: You will know later, just get him! I want him alive, and don't touch him... he is mine!
Kai: Alright, I will try to have him by tonight.
Diana: I don't want you to try, Kai! I fucking need Kane Di Carlo in my basement tonight, not tomorrow! Bye!
Kai: Alright! Jesus, bye!

I hung up the phone angrily, and put it on the table with a huff.

I turned around to be met with a smiling Emilio. Well, that was something I didn't expect.

Does he already know?!

"Kai will not be able to find Kane, he is already in one of my basements" Emilio stated bluntly as if it is nothing.

"Don't you dare touch him! He is mine to kill... I bought a new knife collection that I would be more than honored to try out on him" I threatened him, eager to try my new knife collection on him.

He chuckled at my eagerness and then kissed my forehead with a sigh of contentment.

"Of course you, but you know... you didn't have to hide the fact that you are The Reaper because I already knew the second I saw you..." He started, looking down at my lap.

"...After all, how could I ever forget the face of the assassin who tried killing my brother last year" He continued, getting up from the bed, taking his phone from the table, and then going straight out of the door, leaving me sitting on the bed with my mouth hung open.

Fuck, he knows that I am The Reaper, he knows that I was the one who tried killing Enzo, he knows everything, but I hope he doesn't know about my plan, because if he did, ten I am dead.

I sighed angrily, and took my phone to call him, but I made sure to check the date before calling him, and to my very luckily lunch, it is the fucking 4th of March.

If Emilio decided to go ghost mode for only today then I am sure that after confronting me today, he is not coming back for the whole month, if not more.

God, please help me, because I am already doomed.

I sighed again in frustration and clicked on his number and called him. On the third ring, he answered the call.

Unknown: Mrs. Diana finally decided to call me! For what do I owe the pleasure to talk to you?!
Diana: Listen, I might have been working for you for the last 3 months, but that doesn't fucking mean that you can disrespect me! I am The fucking Reaper, stronger than you and all you fucking pussies of men, so do not tempt me because I can fucking end you in a few minutes!
Unknown: Wow, wow, wow... keep your horses down, I was just messing with you... oh, and I hope you had a good recovery, and I hope you will kill him as fast and as well as you recover.
Diana: Very funny, Martini, but I need about 2 days to be able to get to him, because he went ghost mode... Did you not check and see that today is the 4th of March; the day you fucking killed his fucking sister, Emilia Martinelli.
Unknown: Don't worry, I know that he went ghost mode, but you only get 3 days... finish it fast, because I don't want to become enemies.
Diana: Bye!

How are you guys?
What did you think of this chapter?
What do you think Diana is going to do and who is the person she is working for?
Why do you think Diana tried killing Enzo before and who is the other person who killed Emilia?
Thank you for reading, and I hope you take the time to prepare yourself for the next few chapters ;).

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