|Chapter 19|

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|Diana’s POV|

It has been two days since Emilio just left the hospital. I got discharged the same day too which was a bonus point for me, but I still went over to Emilio’s mansion more than once everyday because I promised Emilio before to ‘babysit’ Nathaniel, and even though I am not exactly doing that but I am still taking care of him.

Luckily for my excessively smart brain and Kai’s extremely developed hacking skills, we were able to track him in this short amount of time… like some on, we are The Reaper and The Ghost, the most wanted black listed assassin, and the most wanted black listed hacker.

Either way, we were able to track one of his calls even if they were from another number and phone, and we found out that he is going to be going to RED which is a strip club owned by Vincent Ramirez.

Oh fuck, if he does anything to Ramirez then he is going to be dead meat before I even get there, but he is a smart man so I do not think that he would do it; he does not even have anything against him so I am sure that he is not going to be doing anything to him, but I am 100% that he will definitely kill at least 10 others.

The news has been going crazy in the last two days; bodies everywhere you walk in Italy, especially in Rome. Emilio has been killing nonstop, and every-fucking-one that works for the police or the FBI and even the Interpol, they are all looking for him, but no one will find him because no one has mine and Kai’s brains.

Anyway, I have an amazing plan to proceed with the bigger plan, and I am sure that it will work because if it involves Nate and I then he will do it, so I decided to call him and tart with my plan as I am already over at his mansion, and Nate has been asking nonstop for him with tears running down his sensitive cheeks.

I called him on his original phone number, but he didn’t reply. I continued calling for about 15 times, until he finally picked up on the 16th time.

I sighed heavily and started my act as soon as he picked up the call, while fake tears were running down my cheeks continuously.

Emilio: What the fuck do you want, Diana? You should consider yourself lucky that I picked up the call!!
Diana: Please E-Emilio, p-please just c-come back h-home! P-please, if it is not f-for m-me, at least for N-Nate, he hasn’t s-stopped crying s-since the morning!
Emilio: Stop with the act Diana!
Diana: I am n-not, I promise! You can s-slap me, s-shout at me, b-blame me, but p-please just come home!
Emilio: Bye! Get Nate to calm down… I am… on my fucking way.

|Emilio’s POV|

As soon as I hung up the phone with Diana, I smiled psychotically to myself.

If she wants to continue playing her little dirty and nasty games, then I am going to show her how to play them tonight.

I know everything she is planning; I am always one step ahead, and if I didn’t know her plan to call me and ‘cry’ for me to come back, then I would have burned the phone the day I left that fucking hospital.

Aaron knows everything about her and shit, but he tells me not to blame her and forgive is she doesn't really continue with her plan tonight, but he might have a point because when she accepted the offer to make me fall in love her and then kill me, she might have not expected herself falling in love with me along the way.

But I will not forgive her, unless she proves that she would die, kill, rob, kidnap, and do anything for my forgiveness, because after everything that she has done, my charity is done, and I am back to my selfish self, and that is not my problem, it is everyone else’s.

Anyway, I did listen to her and went home, because one it is part of the plan, and two I do not want Nate to cry.

While I was on my way, Aaron called me but I ignored the call, but the stubborn son of a bitch is stubborn so he kept calling until I picked up the phone.

Emilio: What the fuck do you want, Aaron?!
Aaron: I knew that I was lucky and that you would pick up your phone!
Emilio: Aaron! Spit it the fuck out!
Aaron: Alright, alright, jeez! So… Kane is nowhere to be found, so I think he ran away.
Emilio: …
Aaron: Uhh… say something, please?
Emilio: …
Aaron: Uhh…
Emilio: I fucking made sure that he was fucking guarded by my best fucking men, and you are telling that that nasty fucking piece of dirt still ran the fuck away?! Why the fuck do you think I put that much guards? Because I fucking know how fucking nasty and dirty he fucking is!
Aaron: Listen, we are searching for him all over the world; I sent a message to our men from all over the world to search for him, but so far no luck. Do not worry, Emilio, he will be found, and I will make sure of that.
Emilio: All over the fucking world?! How fucking long has he been fucking missing for?!
Aaron: … About 5 hours?
Emilio: Fuck you, Aaron! You have 2 fucking days to fucking find that fucking excuse of a man!

I hung up the phone before he can say anything further as I pulled up in front of the mansion to see the big surprise waiting for me, and that is a fucking surprise that I never expected to see after 4 fucking years.

I left you on a cliffhanger ;).
I know I am mean, but it is okay, you will forgive me after sometime.
If this chapter did not shock you then the next one will for sure, more like the next few chapters ;).
Thank you all for 22k+ ❤️.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you in chapter 20 when the bomb explodes :).

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