|Chapter 16|

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|Emilio's POV|

"Listen Mrs. Saray, do not raise your voice while talking to me! And you don't see me dancing in joy because she got shot, now do you?" I ranted out angrily, my voice lace in venom.

She just rolled her eyes at me and looked at Diana and her eyes saddened with sorrow. She went near her and held her hand in hers and started kissing her hand with tears filling her eyes.

I watched as her body became droopy like mine and she started shaking vigorously from top to bottom. I got a bit nervous because I don't know how I am supposed to calm her down, so I got my phone out of my pocket and messaged Aaron to come here instantly.

As soon as I put Nathaniel down on the chair and went near her to tell her to come sit down on the chair, she immediately passed out, but thankfully I was able to catch her before she could hit the floor.

I immediately put her on the other chair when the door opened and Aaron barged in with his hand on the back of his waist where he put his gun. I motioned him to put it back, and told him to call the doctor, which he did rapidly as soon as he saw laying there with me blowing on her face even when the AC was turned on.

The doctor came in and checked on her, and she was completely fine; she only fainted because of shock, stress, and sadness.

They took Saray to another room and I sighed in frustration while running my hand through my hair multiple times consecutively.

I thought for a moment and decided to go check up on my men that got shot, or at least check up on Ryden and 4 - 5 others.

I ordered Aaron to stay with Diana and Nathaniel and not leave their room until I come back; despite the reason.

I made my way to Ryden's room first which had 2 of my other men in it beside him on different beds, and when I got inside they were all sitting on their beds with angry faces which was kind of funny; they all looked like little kids that were angry because their mom didn't let them have another lollipop.

"What's up with the faces?" I ask, making my presence visible because none of them noticed me.

"I want to see my fuckng sister but that fucker of a doctor will not let me get out of this fucking bed! 'You should rest' he fucking says! As if I haven't walked before with 5 bullets in my legs!" Ryden ranted instantly.

I rolled my eyes at him and I was about to answer when my phone rang. It was Rev, so I quickly answered.

Emilio: I hope you have some good news because it has been so fuckng long Rev.
Rev: I indeed do have some good news; Di Carlo is in the basement with 5 of his men and the man who shot la nostra Regina. There are 25 men all around the basement to make sure that none of them escapes.
Emilio: That is good Rev, keep them locked there, and do not give them food nor water. I will send Enzo first thing in the morning to deal with them, because I will not be leaving this hospital.
Rev: Alright boss, I will inform the others. Tell Mrs. Martinelli and Mrs. Everett that I said hi and I hope they both have a fast recovery.
Emilio: I will. And good job, you will definitely get a raise.


It's been three days, three fucking days.

Three days since I last heard her cheerful voice, since I last saw her icy and menacing eyes, since I last talked to her, since I last took a shower, since I last left this hospital room.

In those three days, I haven't left her room once, not after I came back from Ryden's room and my other men's, since then I have stayed in her room without leaving her side. The furthest I have been from her was the bathroom which was inside her room.

Nate has been going home with my mom and visiting Diana once every day for about an hour. Ryden is with me here and never left the hospital for a minute, while Saray visits her every day on her way back from kindergarten.

I have been talking to her everyday (more likely to myself), telling her embarrassing stories from my childhood, and how much Nate misses her. It has been all useless, she is not responding, and is not even moving a bit.

I was currently sitting on the chair in her room with my head on her stomach, while Ryden was at the cafeteria of the hospital getting us croissants as we haven't eaten not even once in the last three days.

While I was waiting impatiently for him to come back, I was startled when a hand ran through my hair lightly.

I looked up to see no one in the room beside Diana and I, I looked at her and there she was. Her eyes were tightly shut while her hand was in my hair.

This gave me hope again even though I never gave it up, but this made me feel alive again, it made me feel like there is a chance that she will wake up soon, so I decided to talk to her and see if she will respond in any way.

"I hope you can hear me so that I know I am not talking to air, but I just miss you, I miss talking to you, looking into your eyes, and teasing non stop. I hope you know that you mean a lot to me; I would kill, steal, kidnap, lie, live, die, and take a bullet for you. All for you. I would do anything just to have you back and keep you with me, if I had only thought for a second then I wouldn't have left you alone in the house with personal guards, it would have prevented everything from happening, and... you wouldn't have been in this shitty state" I wiped away the tears that feel down even when I tried stopping them.

I kept my head hung down, looking at my lap with regret, nervousness, and a bit of hope, but all of these emotions disappeared when I felt a hand on mine.

Another cliffhanger :)
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