|Chapter 7|

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|Emilio's POV|

"Daddy, can you sleep here with Diana and I tonight?" Nate asked me while I was kissing his burning forehead while tucking him in bed.

"I'll sleep with you guys another time, but for now sleep with Diana by yourself" I replied, looking beside him to find her already asleep.

After Jake left, Diana was very tired so she laid in bed and I just noticed that she had already fallen asleep, because I was outside at the balcony with Nate as he said he wants to watch the stars for some time.

She looked like an angel while sleeping, her lips curved into a slight pout, and she looked just like a baby-an innocent and pure baby... but that isn't her real self once she wakes up, because she's a bad bitch when she's awake.

I admired his face for a minute and then pecked Nate's forehead quickly as I went out of the room and went into mine.


It is 3:48 A.M and I can't seem to get her out of my mind, all I'm thinking about is her. Every time I try to close my eyes, she pops up in front of me.

Diana has been on my mind ever since I got to my room, and I even took another cold shower, other than the one I took while she was showering, and it didn't help to take her off of my mind.

I had a bad feeling, a feeling as if something is going to happen to her, as if something happened to her before and it's going to affect her in some way now.

I don't know what this feeling is, I've never felt like this before and it's a new feeling, it's as if I can feel her and I was very worried to the point where sweat beads were forming on my forehead.

I couldn't take it anymore and went outside on the balcony to take a breath of fresh air.

But as soon as I got to the balcony, I heard Nathaniel's worried and trembling voice shouting my name.

"Daddy! D-daddy!" He shouted crying, running into my room.

I immediately went towards him and cupped his cheeks asking what's wrong.

"What happened? What's wrong, hmm?" I asked him worriedly as he sniffled hard.

"D-Diana is crying, s-she's having a n-night-mare m-maybe" He uttered out slowly, trying to streaky his breath.

"Calm down, baby, let's go see what happened, don't cry!" I said softly, caressing his cheeks while carrying him to the other master bedroom.

As I got into the bedroom, I turned on the lights and there she laid on the bed; crying, screaming, moving around, mumbling 'please stop!' and other inaudible sentences.

I put Nathaniel on one of the couches and told him to stay there as I went to the bed. I sat beside her and called her name softly; not wanting to scare her more than she already is.

"Diana, wake up, it's just a nightmare! It's nothing Diana, wake up! Diana!!" I was slowly increasing my voice so that he could hear me clearly if she wasn't.

I kept on calling her and shaking her while hugging her tightly, while she was moving around harshly in my embrace, and trying so hard to get out of my embrace, but I know that she's still not awake so I wasn't going to let her get out of my embrace before she wakes up.

As I kept on calling her name while shaking her harshly now, her movement had stopped, and she was slowly calming down, but she didn't wake up yet -- she fell asleep.

I decided not to wake her up, I'll talk to her in the morning, so I put her head back on the pillow and covered her with the duvet.

I then went back to Nate and I found him asleep too, and dried tears were clearly visible on his soft and sensitive cheeks.

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