|Chapter 21|

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|Emilio's POV|

"Well, when she got kidnapped... I was there too; I got kidnapped just like her. Being the Korean mafia princess is as dangerous as being the Italian mafia princess, so we were kidnapped together, because they were targeting my father's and your father's mafia as they wanted the two mafias to be on the worst terms to take them down together, but they didn't get that because Emilia and I were both given two choices to choose from. We could either stay alive and work for them and become assassins, or we starve to death" She explained blankly, not breaking eye contact for a second.

"But why would they want Leonit Martinelli and Myung Everett to help each other when everyone knows that the South Korean mafias and the Italian mafias are not on good terms?" I was beyond confused.

"That is the exact point. It will be ten times easier killing both mafias when you both hate each other, but you will think that my dad kidnapped your sister, and my father will think that you kidnapped me, so you both will kill each other slowly by yourselves without them even doing anything other than kidnapping us" She stated with a slight chuckle.

I was flabbergasted, shocked, stunned, furious, angry, irritated, and vexed.

They never wanted anything from my sister; they only wanted my father, Enzo, Myung, Ryden, and I... dead.

Their blueprint was actually very brilliant, and I am 100% sure that it was planned by the greatest minds on earth, and I have the perfect plan.

"Their plan was brilliant, but dommage they didn't get what they wanted. But what is confusing me is that why would Emilia choose starving to death and not becoming an assassin" I sighed heavily.

"Because we had to work under them, they gave us the choice to live and become assassins but the catch was to work for them, so she did not want to break omertà, because even though she is the mafia princess and she did not have to do the oath, she still did not want to break omertà" She said, looking down at the floor, massaging her forehead.

"I will talk to her tomorrow, but for now I have places to be" I said, a smirk slowly engulfing my lips.

"Uhh... Emilio, I can't take care of Nathaniel tonight because I have some things I need to get done" She uttered awkwardly, mainly nervous.

"Hmm, sure" I smirked, getting out of the room, and going downstairs to the kitchen.

As I made my way down to the kitchen, I saw Aaron talking on the phone, and he looked furious.

He was screaming and shouting in Italian.

"Zitto cazzo, Veronica!" (Shut the fuck up, Veronica!)
"Non è mio!" (It is not mine!)
"Non sono andato a letto con te, quindi smettila di accusarmi, cazzo!" (I did not fucking sleep with you, so stop fucking accusing me!)
"Faremo un test di paternità e basta, ciao!" (We will do a paternity test and that is it, bye!)

When he hung up the phone, he sighed deeply in wrath and massaged his forehead with closed eyes to relax.

When he opened his closed eyes, his eyes met mine and he sighed again in frustration.

"Fucking women, they are so fucking stupid man! She wants to accuse me that I got her pregnant when I did not even sleep with her, she said that I was drunk! Fuck her, I would never sleep with her, even if I drank 70 liters of pure vodka!" He ranted angrily, while I just chuckled and laughed at him.

"Have fun doing a paternity test, daddy" I made fun of him as he just glared at me the whole time, until I was inside the kitchen where he could not see me anymore.

"Where is Nathaniel?" I asked the chef as I couldn't find Nathaniel anywhere in the room.

"He was here a minute ago, boss, I do not know where he went" She answered mindlessly as if it was nothing.

"Ahh, my favorite little grandchild is here!" Mom exclaimed from the living room which made me let out a sigh of relief.

I went to the living room, to find mom showing Nate with kisses all over his face while he was continuously giggling.

"Mom, his stomach will hurt" I stated out the obvious, while she huffed angrily and gave Nate one last kiss, before getting up from her kneeling position and straightening her posture.

"Who opened the door for you guys?" I questioned, already knowing that it was Nate.

"I'm sorry, daddy, but I was just excited to see grandma" Nate whined, hugging my father.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him with a 'really?!' Face.

He just titled his head and pouted, which made me chuckle and nod my head with a sigh.

"It is the last time Nate! Oh, and you guys should probably head upstairs to the room next to Nate's old room, there is someone waiting there. And dad, hold mom, do not let her enter the room without any of you holding her" I informed them as they nodded their heads but they were definitely confused about the part about holding mom, but they did not question me or anything.

"And before I forget, I want you guys to stay with Nate tonight; I have somewhere to be, and Diana can't take care of him tonight" I added as they all nodded their heads and made their way upstairs, with Nate still attached to my father's hip.

My parents have no idea about what is happening tonight or about anything that has to do with the truth about Diana, Enzo and Aaron are the only ones that know anything.

With that, I made my way out of the front door.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I wanted to inform that King Of Hell is nearly done, and when it is done, there will be a second book which will be a continuation to this book and it will not be able to be read as a standalone.
Thank you for reading, and have a good day :)

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