|Chapter 15|

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|Emilio's POV|

As I turned around with a mischievous grin plastered on my face, Aaron stood there in all his 'glory' with his hands in his pockets and a challenging yet playful face.

Forgetting about everything that had happened today for a second, I couldn't help myself and smiled at him; he makes me forget everything bad and gives me positive energy. He is always a ball of sunshine; always smiling, cheering everyone up, and calling us with funny nicknames, but when it comes to his job, never mess with him; he'll kill you without even blinking once.

I was lost in thoughts about how he makes me forget everything, and how happy I was that he was able to make it today and not tomorrow as he was supposed to come back tomorrow, but I couldn't be more thankful, because he can calm me down more than anyone can with Diana and Nathaniel as exceptions.

Aaron hugged me tightly which brought me out of my thinking bubble, and made me sigh in relief while hugging him back.

"She'll be fine, lover-boy, do not worry, and don't take your anger out on my doctors" He stated calmly, rubbing my back comfortingly.

His nickname for me and the rubbing on my back made me break out into a small smile with a barely audible chuckle while rolling my eyes, but then I put back my emotionless face because the doctor still hasn't answered my question.

I turned back around to face the doctor and my father, only to see that the doctor is the only one left. I frowned in confusion as he was not at the bench either.

"Where did my father go? And when can I see Diana and all the others?" I questioned calmly, trying my best not to sound too rude even though I don't really care.

"Mr. Martinelli went to visit your mother, and you can visit the others as well, but for Mrs. Everett, I have to check up on her once more and then you will be able to visit her in her room" He replied before excusing himself and going to check on Diana.

I went back to the nurse that I talked to before and asked her for my mom's room number, as both Aaron and I went to her room, because he said and I quote: "Your mom is my mom too, even if we are not blood related, so just like you need to check up on her, I do too".

I rolled my eyes at his boring sentence because they way he said it reall sounded dumb. But I just ignored him and called Enzo while on my way to the room, and told him to get Nate and come to mom's room to check up on her, and because Nate and I will be visiting Diana in her room after some time.

After going into my mom's room, I was immediately welcome with a smack on my head... from my mom! What the hell did I do now to get smacked?!

"That hurt, mom! What the hell was that for?!" I belted like a child, while holding my head angrily.

"It was supposed to hurt, stupid! You put my daughter-in-law in danger! Why didn't the security stop that piece of shit that tried to take away from me my future daughter?! What were they doing, huh?! Did you just tell them to stand there acting like guards while they can not even stop 3 armed cars?!" She snapped, ranting continuously in anger.

I was honestly mad too, but no matter how angry I was at the security I can not do anything to them now as they are all dead, that fucker killed them all, but I will fucking teach the others that I will get not to be pussies and grow some fucking balls.

"Do you think I am happy that she got shot? You think I am happy that she is in a coma right now?! No, it was not my fucking choice! Because if I had a choice, I would have killed myself before letting a feather touch her!" I boomed angrily, storming off the room, not forgetting to take Nate with me to visit Diana.

I went straight towards the administration and asked for Diana's room number and then made my way to her room with Nate attached to my neck.

"Fucking bastard!" I muttered angrily under my breath as I entered her room, where she was laying like a lifeless body.

She was emotionless, she looked like a sleeping person but void of any emotions. It really broke me to see her like this, especially knowing that I am the reason that this happened to her; If I wouldn't have left her alone with only my mom and her brother then this wouldn't have happened, I should have sent a few bodyguards to stay with her, but this is all useless now, it happened and there is nothing I can do now to undo what has already been done.

"Daddy, why is Diana sleeping now? Why is she hurt?" Nate complained sadly, looking between Diana and I with a pout on his face.

"She is just tired, baby, she is sleeping now and once she gets better she will wake up and you will be able to talk to her" I assured him, kissing his cheek continuously while making my way to the chair near her.

I sat down beside her on the chair and put Nate on my lap. We were both looking at her with sorrowful eyes, and then I noticed Nate's bottom lip quivering.

I looked at him with so much worry but he wrapped his arms around my neck and hid his face in the crook of my neck instantly.

I rubbed his back in comfort and started whispering that she is going to be okay, but he just would not stop sobbing.

Tears were continuously streaming down his cheeks and then getting absorbed by my t-shirt, and in a matter of three minutes my shirt already had a pool of tears on it.

I kept comforting him, until his sobs calmed down, and his breath started evening out.

"She... looks... really... s-sad" He uttered out, before he just fell asleep in my arms.

I sighed in relief, thankful that he was not crying anymore, but that peace did not last long because of who barged into the hospital room, screaming their heart out.

"It is all because of you Martinelli! If it weren't for you, then nothing would have happened to my best friend!" Here comes the hurricane!

Oh for god's sake, I just wanted a moment of peace and silence!

Chapter 15 is out!
Double update today and I can't be more thankful for finishing this chapter as I haven't slept in two days and I can not wait to just go straight to bed.
Hope you like this halter and the pervious one.
Thank you for reading, vote, and commenting♥️.
See you in the next chapter on Tuesday, bye♥️.

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