Chapter 5: Ivory

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I heard my door creak open. I instantly stiffened. Then I smelled Lylah's perfume.

Oh, thank god.

I heard her get my phone. Fuck! Damn her! I thought I could get away with it. I didn't set my alarm for 8:00 AM on purpose. That is just way too fucking early. I don't know how Lylah gets up at 5:30 AM and stays up until 12:30 AM. It's fucking nuts.

She set my god damn alarm and walked out of my room. God damn her! Why, Lylah?! Why?!

I know it had to be at least 6:30, so me being my lazy ass, I went to sleep! No way in my Mother's Hell am I getting up now.

* * * * * * * * * *

I woke up to the sound of my fucking alarm. I groaned. I hate mornings. I reached over and turned it off and slammed it down. God damn alarm, interrupting my sleep like that. Bitch.

I got my ass up and walked into the kitchen. I looked in the freezer and took the last two waffles. Lylah is going to kill me, but I'm fucking hungry. She can deal with it.

I finished eating and I was in the bathroom getting ready. I was wearing Red Skinny Jeans, a Black One Shoulder with a Skull on the chest, and my Grey Converse. I had on eyeliner and masacara. That's it. Then I straightened my hair. I decided to leave it down and show off my Red Dipped hair. I had just gotten it done yesterday and I fucking love it!

I looked at the time and it was 8:45. My Biology Class started in fifteen minutes. Oh well. A few minutes late won't hurt. I put away everything I used, got my phone, Black BookBag and my keys and left.

My Biology Building is about a twenty minute walk, but I have my car. A fucking old ass Toyota that has got to go. I got in the car and started driving. I had to put the A/C on because it was so hot.

Within a few minutes, I pulled up into the parking lot. I parked the car and got out, grabbing my BookBag from the back seat in the process. I started towards the building. Now here's the part I hate. Sitting in a room full of annoying idiots for an hour and a half, listening to people talk. Its Hell.

I took my seat and prepared myself for the next hour and a half of my life.

(A/N: Ivory's outfit is to the side.)

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