Chapter 6: Niall

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I was currently in the kitchen in our Hotel room. I was stuffing my face with Oreos. Double Stuffed. I mean, who doesn't love Oreos, right? Anyways, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already 11 PM. I haven't seen Liam since about 2 PM. I walked down the hall and into the living room where the rest of the guys were.

"Hey, do any of you know where Liam went?" I asked no one in particular.

"No." Harry and Louis both said.

"He said he was going downstairs to the Gym about two hours ago." Zayn said, looking up from his phone on the couch.

"Alright. Thanks, lads. I'm going to go get him. See you in a bit, yeah?"

"Alright. See you in a bit, Nialler." Harry said with a smirk.

I grabbed some Oreos from the kitchen and headed out the door to go find Liam. I walked down the Hotel hall, to the elevators and pushed the "Down," button. Soon, the elevator door opened and it was empty. I pushed the button to the lobby and down I went. I put another Oreo in my mouth.

The elevator dinged and I made my way to the Gym. I looked by the Treadmills, weights, and areobics center, but he wasn't there. Just as I was about to go check the locker rooms, I heard a grunt. I turned around and I saw two people standing in the Boxing Ring, one of them on the ground. I examined the one standing and I saw the familiar Cheveron Tattoo that I've become accustomed to.

Liam was jumping up and down in the ring with Hydrenaline. He was a really good Boxer. I've only seen him Box a few times though. He does it to let out his frustrations. He usually does it when he's alone.

"Liam! Mate!" I called.

His head immediately turned in my direction. He helped the guy he Boxed, up and shook his hand. He ducked out of the ring, taking his gloves off.

"Hey." He replied.

"Nice Boxing. I watched you put him on his ass." That made him smile slightly.

"Yeah, thanks, Mate. So, what are you doing down here?" He asked as he took an Oreo from my hand.

"What the hell, Liam?! You don't go taking my Oreos!" I launched myself at him, trying to get it back, but he laughed, took a step back, and shoved my Oreo in his mouth. MY OREO! "You didn't." I gasped.

"Oh, yes. Yes I did." He smiled proudly.

"Oh, you're going to feel the pain, Payne!" He laughed. Laughed!

"Oh really? I don't believe you." He mocked. He took another Oreo. Seriously?!

"Liam!" He started laughing, shoved the cookie in his mouth, and ran! I chased after him. "Get your ass back here!"

"Language, Nialler!" He called back.

"Shut it, Payne!" He took a sharp left turn in the Gym, around the Treadmills. I skidded to a halt and changed directions. I couldn't see him any where.

Where the hell did he go?! Then, I felt an arm go around my neck and hold me against their chest. I looked down and saw the Four Cheverons.

"Ah! Liam! Let go you fat arse!" He boomed with laughter.

"Not a chance! Say, 'Liam is the Boxing King and has the nicest arse you've ever seen!' And I'll let you go!"

"What?! No! Never!"

"Then I won't let go!" He used his other hand and started tickling my sides while he still had his strong, firm hold.

"HAHAHA! Alright, Payne! Alright - Hahahaha! I'll - Hahaha - Do it!" I said in between fits of laughter.

"Say it!" Liam damanded, still tickling me.

"Okay! Liam is the - Hahaha! - Boxing King - Hahaha! - And has the nicest arse I've ever seen!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"HAHAHAHA!" Liam's voice boomed with laughter, his chest was vibrating deeply with it.

He let go of my neck and grabbed his stomach from laughing so hard. His laugh was so infectious, I had to join in! Soon, we were both in the floor, clutching our stomachs, tears rolling down own faces from laughing so much. After we recovered, we got up and went into the locker room to get Liam's things.

"Thanks, Niall . . ." Liam said softly, not meeting my eyes.

"What for?"

"Making me laugh. I haven't laughed in a while. You bring out the fun in me. Just . . . Thank you for being there, Mate. You're my brother, and I love you." He said shyly.

"Liam, I'm always going to be there for you, Mate. That's what brothers are for. I love you too, Liam." I gave him a hug. After we pulled away, Liam gave me a small smile. "Liam, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"What's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately."

" . . . I'm fine. Just . . . Just a little overwhelmed is all." He forced a smile.

"You and I both know that's not true. Tell me what's wrong Liam. That's what I'm here for. Talk to me." I put a hand on his shoulder. He looked down at his shoes and then up at me.


(A/N: Guys... I am so so sorry it has been so long. I feel absolutely horrible for leaving you all like that. I just kind of drifted away from Wattpad for a bit. A lot of things have happened in the time I've been gone, and I've been focused on that. Once again, I'm so sorry for being gone for so long. I know this is a short chapter. And they'll be short for a while, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Love you all so much. 💖)

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