Cathy Brings It On!

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"How much longer are we gonna be in here for?" Brooke asks.

We were all on our way to the studio for this week. Now, we relocated to California. We had been in the bus/white van for quite a while, and Mackenzie and I were bored, up to the point that we were literally counting the cars that the bus drove past. Needless to say, we got lost somewhere between three-hundred and fifty and four hundred.

Still, we hadn't arrived.

"A couple more minutes." Christi answers.

Maddie groaned as she zipped closed her dance bag.

That was her little game, playing with the zipper.

Chloe's phone was dead, so she was taking turns with Paige to play on Kelly's phone. Nia had attempted to read a book but gave up twenty minutes into the ride. Brooke was brushing her hair for the second hour in a row.

Once the bus finally came to a stop, we all rushed to get out.

"Finally," Paige says as I follow her into the studio.

As we finally hit the cold air of the air conditioner, we all hear a whistle.

"Not Abby with a whistle." Kelly comments, "I would rather walk back home than to be a whole day with Abby playing with a whistle."

"Agreed." Christi agrees as Mom and Holly laugh.

We all entered the room where Abby was and formed a line.

"Ladies, here we are in Los Angeles, California for the iHollywood National Finals and you are in the city of dreams." Abby starts off the pyramid, "There are going to be children that you recognize. The kids that are in movies, the kids that are on television, these kids here in Los Angeles audition on a weekly basis. They are "pros"."

Chloe and I looked at each other, trying not to laugh at our teacher.

They are pros? But, of what? We're going to a dance competition, not to an audition.

Well, that we know of.

"I'm gonna move on to our lovely pyramid and the bottom row." She reveals the two bottom headshots, "Paige and Brooke. You will not be doing solos. You will be in the group number. Now, I've had it out with your mom. She has told me that she can find better choreographers-- I'm sure she can. This is Los Angeles; this isn't Pittsburgh, but please understand, if you go as an independent, you're out. You're finished."

She revealed the next headshot.

"Mackenzie. I'll be right back with you." Abby says, "Next is Genevieve. You were good in the group dance, you portrayed your character very well."

Geez, thank you, Abby.


Chloe     Nia   Genevieve

Mackenzie   Brooke   Paige

"Nia and Mackenzie, duet. Chloe, you're going to be doing a solo as well as the group routine." Abby announces, "And, no surprise, Maddie, you're gonna be doing the solo this week. Also, you will be performing a duet with Genevieve."

We smiled as we hugged each other.

Genevieve: Okay. I'm excited, but I'm freaking out. I've never had a duet with Maddie. Trios? Sure, but there was Chloe too.

"Does everybody understand how big of an opportunity this is? Those judges at iHollywood are going to be people that are in a capacity to hire you. They are the people that choreograph for television and for film. So it's very important that you step onstage like pros."

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