Everyone's Replaceable

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"Photoshoots are a nightmare," I comment as I stretch in the dancer's den with Maddie.

"I know." Maddie agrees, "We gotta fake-smile, look "pretty"." She makes some air quotation marks, "And just look . . . perfect!"

"The flash of the camera is also pretty annoying." I continue, "How can people do stuff like that all day?"

"I don't know." Maddie answers, "But we've got experience."

"The headshots every single year since 2004." I say, "And you since 2006."

"Moms, girls, get in here!"

"The show!" Maddie stands up, "Come on!"

I stand up and follow her into studio "A" with the rest of the girls and moms.

"How's it going?" Abby asks us.

"Good." We answer in unison.

"Where's Holly?" She asks again, "Nia, where's your mother?"

"She's at work." Nia answers.

"Not gonna happen," Abby says.

Brooke and I looked at each other confused.

Is it so bad that Holly's working?

As Abby talked, I looked around the room. I looked over to the moms. First was Christi.

I don't know what happened with Christi, but she turned into a completely different person since nationals. She literally won't even acknowledge my mere existence. She says that it isn't fair "because I had more rehearsal time than Chloe".

I literally got more time just because Gianna suggested some changes to the dance.

Because of that, Chloe looked kind of uncomfortable being around me. Wish I could say this is the first time that it happens, but it's not.

I looked over to the next dance mom, Melissa.

Melissa was the literal opposite of Christi. I would even dare to say that I've grown even closer to Mads and Kenz. Our moms also grew closer, and the due date for a certain baby did too.

Mom still wouldn't tell us the sex, even after she and Dad found it out. Zane, Elle, and I have taken turns trying to eavesdrop and figure out, but it never works.

Talking about my siblings, Zane quit dancing for baseball. Exactly what Maddie had said. Jake also quit dance for baseball. Giselle and Brooke had performed two duets during the break, and those were amazing. Riley had also started performing in group performances with Kenzie.

Moving on to the last dance mom, who isn't Mom, was Kelly.

She was fun to be around. Even though she hates Abby, she always makes sure that we are having a great time.

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