Divas Las Vegas

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Las Vegas, baby.

After Abby failed to show up to last week's competition, the moms were more than frustrated. There's only a week until nationals and Abby keeps on disappearing out of nowhere. With everything going on with Kelly, everyone felt stressed. Chloe beat Maddie last weekend, which was kind of surprising. Brooke was fourth with her solo that they added in at the last minute and Giselle was second with hers. The group dance was first, same with Asia's solo and her duet with Kenzie. Talking about Kenzie, she wasn't here this week. She was attending a competition back in Pittsburgh and she can't attend two competitions at the same time.

Abby rambled on and on about how amazing Las Vegas is, and following a question from Holly, she started revealing the pyramid.

"Paige. Until you start to improve a big amount in the technical area, you're not gonna be moving up on that pyramid." Abby announced. "Brooke, you did a solo. You were fourth. You never used to be fourth. Last year, going into nationals, you were really strong. You won a national title. As of today's date, you're still holding onto that title."

"I think you should go back and look onto the choreography that dance which won the title and then look at her choreography from last week," Kelly spoke up. "And you can compare the two. And that's why she got fourth."

Abby ignored her entirely. "Now, Nia, it's almost like your mind wants it and it's there, but your body isn't listening yet. It's not fixing the problems itself. So my advice is to keep doing what you're doing, and someday it's gonna click." Nia nodded. "Kendall, you're inconsistent. your facial expressions and your emotion and just your intensity are so much better in class, in rehearsal than it is on stage. I don't know what's gonna happen about you for nationals."

Huh, would you look at that?

"Mackenzie. She is not here this week. She needs to learn there are consequences for your actions. She needs to learn that this is not a shoo-in because her older sister is Maddie. This is a week before nationals; I don't need sloppy mistakes." Abby explained. Asia. You and Mackenzie won the overall high-score duet. You also won with your solo again." She turned over to her mother. "Kristie, Asia is improving."

Kristie nodded in agreement. "I think so."

Abby continued. "Giselle. You were second with your dance. I think you could do so much better if you focused on learning your dance instead of getting into other people's business. I'm sure Kelly and her kids can defend themselves." Moving on. "Maddie, you could be on top of the pyramid every single time, outstanding."

"Thank you." Maddie smiled.

"Genevieve," Abby revealed. "I'd say that, based on your facials alone, you carried that group dance to victory."

I smiled in response as she continued talking.


Genevieve   Maddie   Giselle    Asia

Mackenzie   Kendall   Nia   Brooke   Paige

"We will be attending PowerHouse Dance Competition," Abby announced. "Asia, you will be doing a solo. You are one of my best bets for nationals. I will be watching you closely. Kendall, you also have a solo. Now, Kendall, you have not been consistent. This is your last shot."

I wish Asia could go up against Kendall so she would beat her.

But not all dreams come true, that one's for sure. The group dance was one really entertaining piece, but more than entertaining, Abby wanted it to be an overall high-score winning routine, so there's also that. Both Hyland sisters were also given solos, but instead of the dances being choreographed by our dance teacher, they'll be choreographed by a "colleague" of hers.

Today was one of those days I wish I didn't have to be here. Why? Because I have to watch Kendall make several mistakes Abby has corrected her a million times in the last thirty minutes. I sat in between Maddie and Paige as we continued to watch the brunette, with me internally wishing to stab my eyes out.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop." Abby shook her head she closed her eyes. "Why do you look so lazy?"

Looks like I'm not the only one thinking that.




I stood up with a blank expression on my face and walked over to the teacher. "Why don't you help Kendall with her routine? You already know it; you'd just have to show her so that she finally applies all the corrections I've been telling her."

I nodded and turned around to look at the girl, who couldn't have possibly looked more irritated by the situation. Even if normally I would feel bad and awkward in this situation, noticing how annoyed Kendall was made me want to do it. Maybe I can get to show everyone that I could do this routine way better than her.

I couldn't help but have smug look on my face as I walked up to the middle of the room, standing on Kendall's left side. Abby started the music again, and with each trick the routine had, the harsher the corrections to the girl were. I admit it, I wasn't a big fan of Abby yelling at anyone, but this time was an exception. This one time.

Jill: I was really hoping that with Chloe sitting out this week, this could be Kendall's chance to shine. But Abby called Genevieve in, and the girl is standing in Kendall's way.

We both did a calypso leap ― which Kendall failed to do correctly ― when Jill entered the room quietly. "Abby, can I speak to you for a second?"

Kendall immediately stopped dancing, but I didn't stop as Abby snapped back at the mother. However, she later gave in, stopping the music and walking over to the older Vertes. I stopped dancing as soon as the music stopped. While Jill attempted to whisper something, I sat back in my old spot.

"I just think that Genevieve should be dancing behind Kendall." Jill expressed her concerns. "Kendall is the soloist and Genevieve is blocking her. Do you get what I mean?"

"Yes," Abby told her, a weird tone in her voice. "I think that it's absolutely ridiculous."

"Abby, Kendall is the one performing--" Jill argued. "She should--"

Abby talked over her. "Evie came in and did that dance perfectly. Your kid has been doing the same mistake the entire time I've been working with her! Tell me, who should be the one performing?"

"I think you should ignore them," Maddie whispered into my ear. "We can focus on something else instead."

"Like what?" I whispered back, turning to take a glance at her.

"Uh, maybe the group dance?" She suggested. "What's the Brat Pack about?"

"A group of actors who worked together in different movies in the '80s," I answered. "It's a weird name, though."

Is it because they were brats? Or was it because they were a pack?

Later ― after the small argument ― we continued with the group dance. This time around, Abby had each one of us perform our parts individually with the music. I did my part after Chloe's, and as I walked past Abby, she stopped me.

"Remember me there's something I need to show you later." She told me.

I nodded in response and went to stand next to Maddie as Nia started performing.

When Paige was supposed to perform, she abruptly stopped walking as she placed a hand on her neck. I noticed a flash of desperation across her face before she started sobbing and looking around. That's when it hit me:

She was having a panic attack.

I had never been on the other side of the attack. I'm the one who usually has it, not watching something else have it. However, a huge contrast between hers and mine was that Kelly immediately helped her get outside, something my own mother didn't do. It wasn't like she didn't want to; I just hadn't exactly told her, and according to me, my last panic attack was over a year ago. It's a little surprising I've been able to keep it a secret for so long.

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