The Positivity Enforcer

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In the roundabout cycle of life. we all have days where we just wanna stop
But a positive voice always echoes to never give up
Instead of questioning, why not listen to the cries of our inner angel?
And keep our hope of a better tomorrow using a different angle?

Moping won't change the dreariness of days
Why not use all our power to enjoy the moments of our joyous blaze?
Who was the critic in ourselves to say having fun is a waste?
Happiness is a great value that shouldn't be cased
In the heat of stress, take a breath and keep calm. It's okay to make mistakes
Who would desire to live the emptiness of a perfect life, anyways?

The starry dreams of self-improvement starts with one step
So, keep moving forward even if you feel like you're stuck in a web
Keep moving forward no matter how many obstacles are in disguise
Keep that chin up! Don't be afraid to use your heart as your personal guide
Even when the blockage of life is starting to take a huge toll
Instead, challenge it and screamed how you're the one who's truly in control
Keep taking your steps with all your potents. I can see the determination in your face starting to show
Don't worry about hiding your frown, it's does take strength to march towards your goals

Now, the way you keep marching towards the future is what makes me so proud
The progress you made is impressive. I bet you didn't realized at the start you were just on the ground
Navigating the complicated path of life isn't simple in the slightest
And I do understand that some sunny days aren't the brightest
But no matter the hardships you have to faced
In this roundabout called life
Always try to your best to keep going even during life greatest strife
But even after the worst of our hardest sorrows
Let's always try our best to prepare ourselves for a better tomorrow

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