Persistence | 4

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                             ❁ Chapter 4

When I got home, I quietly flipped my shoes off at the front door. I placed my bag gently on the ground as I attempted to tip-toe up to my room.
As I passed the kitchen, I heard an aggressive grunt. I stopped hesitantly in my tracks and looked up.
Daniel was there patiently waiting for me in the kitchen. He was obnoxiously sipping a can of coke as I started undoing the tie to my uniform. The room around me started to spin. I knew what he was going to say, considering the sun was already starting to set.

"What took you so long?!" he grouched.
I rolled my eyes and walked flatly into the kitchen where he was leaning angrily.

                Nolan's Point Of View

As I drove home, the now empty passenger seat caused me to focus on my thoughts. My entire day was incredibly full, and I was dizzy with craze.
This girl was driving me crazy.
I felt like I've waited all these years to meet her, and finally, here she was. It was easy to recognize her. Cora was golden. From her skin, to her hair. She was esthetical.
Most importantly, she was...alive. Her eyes sparkled as bright as her teeth.

"Cora Pierce," I hummed under my breath.
How unfortunate for us to meet now, Cora. If only I knew you all those years ago.

I talked to a bunch of people today, and I can only seem to remember the conversations that involved Cora. She was so resplendent and everyone around her knew it. I tried so hard to give her the cold shoulder, but holy fucking hell. She was incredibly persistent. How could one person be so curious about absolutely everything and not be afraid to ask such personal questions?

"Are you blind?"

Almost, Pierce. Sometimes I wish I were.
Especially from you.

A dangerous woman. I should've been exasperated, but I liked how she never made anything about herself. She was curious about everyone and everything around her the same way a child is curious about the world.
I'd have to be a fool to ignore how beautiful she was? Her brain, the way her mind works. Such an angelic human. Related to Daniel Pierce of all people? The same nitpicked brat Daniel has been on about for years? Almost unbelievable. Almost. Definitely still a little cunt. I could barely stand breathing within her vicinity.
She had blonde, pin-curled hair that fell ever so lightly on her shoulders. It was so clean looking and so long.
Her eyes were so blue that I immediately thought of a poem I heard years ago.

Those blue eyes
Of yours
They draw me in
And drown me in bliss"

I believe the author was someone named PandaLyn. But, Cora, what would you have felt if you knew that was the first thing I thought of when I saw you across that classroom?
Would you have called me crazy, delusional?
Because surely, I felt delusional sitting next to you. Not only because I had wondered what it would be like to meet you for all these years, but simply because I knew what it meant if you were here. What were the odds that I picked the one city that you and that idiotic brother of yours have inhabited?

With plump lips and specs of light freckles that trailed along her nose, I only wonder what she would've thought of twelve year old me. Would she have changed my future? 
I'm sure, if I weren't blind, I could've done that myself. But, I know for sure that twelve year old me would've contemplated my entire existence of Daniel's esthetic twin sister had shifted my world.

You would've loved pre-fucked up me, Cora Pierce. I would've lured you into a world you've never been to.

That is, what I wish were true. I still would've been in love with the girl I have been for all these years, and you would've never shifted my reality before.
In all honesty, I never wanted to meet you Cora. I only used you to create a dystopian world where the girl I loved had loved me to. Seeing you now, you are as figmented as I ever imagined you to be. You aren't my dystopian goddess. I almost resent you for it.

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