Chapter 6 - Memories/ oh Herondales

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'' ok'' said Alec he stepped forward to theglass column and took out the flask. ''right all you have to do now is tounscrew the lid, and drink the contents of it'' said ''Mathew''. ''alrightfine'' said Alec. He did exactly that. He blinked constantly for severalseconds and then he stopped. ''Alec are you ok?'' asked Izzy. '' yes I am fine,I just have to get used to the fact that a hundred memories just entered mybrain'' said Alec. ''wait a second this seems far too easy, are you sure thereisn't a catch?' Asked Jace. ''yes unfortunately there is, you all can't leaveheaven until Alec remembers all of his memories and answers an importantquestion... which I can't tell you now'' said Daniel, because he noticed thatIzzy was about to ask exactly that. '' oh that kind of sucks'' said Simon.''He-y you were the one who didn't want to go home'' Pointed out Daniel.''you're right, I'm sorry'' said Simon he looked sheepish. '' apology accepted,now who is up for dinner''? Asked Daniel. ''I think everyone is'' said Megan.''yeah'' we agreed. '' that's what I thought, follow us to the dining roomthen'' said Daniel... 

We turned around and followed Daniel out of the room again. '' so is anything coming back to you hon?'' I asked as we entered the corridor, '' no hon, they are burly images at the moment'' said Alec. '' ok take your time hon, there is no rush'' I said keeping in character. ''yeah I know, thanks hon'' said Alec, squeezing my hand. ''so what do you think they will serve in the dining room''? asked Izzy, changing the subject. '' M I don't know, as long as it's not duck in stuffing I think blond boy is going to be fine'' said Simon. He smiled. ''ha very funny, I'm rolling in laughter'' Said Jace dryly. '' what's the joke? I don't get it'' said Daniel. '' Jace is scared of ducks'' said Clarissa. '' oh great now you are scared of bats and ducks? Oh where will it end!'' said Daniel. Everyone laughed. When the laughter died down Jace protested ''no I'm not, I just don't like them so much'' ''yeah right, Jace when you see one you literally jump up in shock'' said Izzy. ''I don't ever remember doing that'' said Jace. '' it's a Herondale thing every person in their family tree is afraid of ducks'' said Alec. '' o-h nice job Simon, I'm really starting to like you'' said Daniel, he playfully nudged his shoulder. ''thanks'' said Simon. Suddenly Alec gasped and he fell to the ground. Right time to be worried boyfriend I thought. ''Alexander''! I shouted and ran to his side along with the rest of the group...

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