Chapter 25 - Azazel's plan

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Meanwhile in the glass palace

Valentine's pov

After I told Azazel that Alec still didn't wake up, we added some things to our plan. For one twenty minutes before the gang come back I will worry them once again, and if Alec wakes up before they come back I will worry him and then I will worry them. I looked outside, it's already noon just a couple of hours left, until they return. I better start preparing for the next stage of the plan I thought. I turned around and began walking back to Alec's temporary bedroom...

Meanwhile in Alec's mind

Alec's pov

I stood there watched Megan and the other me do their chosen combat pattern. '' well to be honest I hope you don't embarrass me too much'' said the other me, throwing a punch in Megan's face. ''why on earth would I do that Alexander?'' Asked Megan. She defected the punch and spun around then she threw a kick in his direction. Oh my Angel that's the same name that Mag's calls me I thought. ''I just want you to be comfortable with me'' said the other me, dodging Megan's kick. Just as Megan was about to answer the training instructor announced ''time is up guys''...

Meanwhile on the sightseeing tour

Azazel's pov

I am currently following the enthusiastic angel, and the rest  of the group why didnt i stay at the palace, why on earth didn't I come up wit an excuse of some kind? If I stayed with Valentine at least we could brainstorm ideas for the next stage of the plan, instead I am walking aroundlike some pilgrim... I got to stop this I'm starting to sound like Valentine. Right I'm bored, I'll put a twist in the plan and worry that pathetic angel andthe Nephilim I thought. I froze time, conjured a knife and took a deep breath and slashed my arm two times and then I slashed my neck and chest, then I got rid of the knife and then I laid down on the ground, closed my eyes and unfroze time. ''oh my great one, Mathew what happened''? Exclaimed Daniel running to my side. Oh my great one seriously I thought. ''Mathew wake up'' said Daniel, shaking my shoulder. Ok here we go, act hurt I thought. I opened my eyes, sat up and said ''Ur dam these wounds hurt so bad'' I said. ''ok I'll heal you bro, but what the hell happened''? Asked Daniel...

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