Chapter 27 - plan in peril

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Meanwhile at the sightseeing tour

Azazel's pov

After Daniel healed me, and I explained what happened: Lucifer's soldier's attacked me. We continued to walk down the path, suddenly a thought occurred to me: I didn't check on Magnus for some time. I froze time, I then opened a portal window and saw that Magnus was awake and trying to escape! I quickly stepped through the portal window. I hope he didn't find anything sharp I thought...

Meanwhile in the glass palace

Valentine's pov

I was pacing around Alec's room brainstorming what I could do to worry the gang and maybe Alec whenAzazel's voice flooded my mind sounding very panicked: Valwe got a code red Magnus just woke up. What! How did this even happen? I ''asked''. I don't know but we need to stay calm, I'mthere now I'm just about to see him and knock him out again ''said'' Azazel. Yeah you do that, and l will continue with the plan,maybe this time you can use a stronger potion. ''I suggested''. Yeah good point thatdid occur to me ''said'' Azazel. Well see you then '' I said'' and ended the connection. Wow I'm really getting good at that I thought...

Meanwhile in Alec's mind
Alec's point of view

I watched the other me and Megan dance, I can't believe I had another life and I never knew about it. It's a shame really, I must have really loved her, and I now I love Magnus even more than her, I can't believe I couldn't propose to her then, but now I'm with Magnus and I love him, more than anything in the world. But I'm never going to forget Megan, never. At that moment there was a bright light and I felt myself being lifted up, into the air...

 At that moment there was a bright light and I felt myself being lifted up, into the air

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