Chapter 16

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Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together

I sure hope this plan works

Moose and I walk into the diner where Luke supposedly works at now, since the pirates broke up. I was so shocked that this had happened, I didn't even know it did till Jason called me up to check on me a few days ago.

Moose and I sit on opposite ends of the booth and wait for Luke to walk over to us.

"Um, excuse me sir? What do I have to do to get a menu around here," Moose asks Luke in a ridiculous voice.

"What are you two doing here?" Luke asks, rolling his eyes.

"We have a couple things to say to you," I tell Luke. "1. I want Money Bread with a side of hash browns. 2 Moose wants an egg salad sandwich. And 3 I think we can still win the World Jam and get the house back," I say to Luke with a smile.

"I'm out of egg sandwiches," Luke says as he turns to Moose. "And you're out of your mind."

"I thought that was why you liked us," Moose says as Luke starts to walk away.

"You're crazy. We have nobody left," Luke sighs.

"But we're here. That means we have two back," I retort. Me and Moose get up from our booth and walk towards the counter where Luke stands behind at the moment.

"Luke you're the only person that can get everybody back together to save your house," Moose states. "The pirates need your leadership-."

"They don't need me," Luke interrupts. "I took what my parents gave me and threw it away."

"Luke you really have no idea what you've done," I say shaking my head.

"Luke," Moose starts "You agev these people a place where they can live out their dreams and be who they really are. Please just sit down."

"Dude I have tables to work," Luke says trying to get past Moose.

"No, no, nom, just take a seat," Moose pushes Luke down in a seat at the booth we were just in."

"This better be quick," Luke threatens.

"Hush, and listen to him," I say to Luke.

"You never asked why I wanted to dance. You wanna know why? I dance because dance can change things. One move can set a whole generation free, like Elvis," Moose says and stars doing the famous Elvis move.

"One move can make you believe there's something more. Remember this one?" Moose starts moonwalking like Micheal Jackson and says OW just like MJ would when he would dance.


Luke laugh at Moose antics. "Moose, sit down before you make a fool out of all of us."

Moose motions for me to sit in the booth first and he slides in after.

"And some moves," Moose starts "can give a skinny, curly-haired kid, that just wants to dance some... some hope."


"Hope that he's actually special." Moose finishes

Oh Moosie you are special.

Luke smiles at Moose fro a second.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Coffe." some rude customer shouts.

Luke stands up from the booth and looks at the customer.

"I'm sorry I can't. I can't do regular," Luke says. "I tried and its not me."

Good job Luke.

The customer stands up "Hey I've been waiting here for 30 minutes." he shouts.

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