Chapter 26

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Moose POV

I see Tesswalk out the door and my heart breaks. I feel a couple of tears run down the side of my face and quickly wipe them away.

Why couldn't the words come out of my mouth? Why couldn't I say something?

The boys look at me with sorrowful faces and all the girls glare at me except for Andie, she just looked disappointed.

"Moose, why didn't you explain yourself?" Guage asks me.

"I tried to but the words wouldn't come out for an odd reason. It's like I choked up and-"

"I can't believe you are acting like the victim here dude," Violet cuts me off.

"You cheated and now you're all sad and shit. If you wanted her to stay you shouldn't have kissed that damn blonde girl,"

"Violet, you don't know the whole story-" Monster starts to say.

Violet was about to say something else till Andie stopped her.

"Then explain what happened Moose," Andie says.

I open my mouth again and nothing comes out, luckily Guage stepped in and saved me.

"Let me give you the whole story so you can understand that it was not his fault." Guage says to the girls still glaring at me.

After 20 minutes the girls looked at me sorrowfully.

"I really tried to get her off of me and stop bothering me, but she wouldn't go away," I say when Guage is finished

"Moose, I'm so sorry that happened. I shouldn't have just assumed that you cheated, you're not the type of guy to do that," Violet apologized.

"It's okay, how am I gonna get to her and explain this. When I say her heartbroken face it's like a froze and couldn't speak. I hate that I was the one to make her cry," I sit down on the couch and bury my face in my hands.

"How about you sleep tonight and tomorrow I'll order you an Uber to the airport tomorrow," Guage says.

"Really, wouldn't Sean be upset if I left?" I ask

"Moose, you have your own problems and I'll talk to Sean. Go get some rest and tomorrow you can get your girl," Andie gives me a huge hug and rubs my back.

"She'll forgive you, Moose, she loves you too much," she says to me as I walk upstairs and go to my room to get some sleep.

***Next Day***

I wake up, shower, and pack my clothes, and head down to the living room.

Guage was already dressed and waiting on me.

"Last night I got your ticket," he hands my ticket to me "Ready?"


"Hey Moose," Sean says to me. "I heard what happened last night and I am so sorry that it happened, But can't this whole situation wait. We need you here. We battle The Mob tomorrow, you can't just abandon us now."

"Yes you can," Andie says to me with a small smile.

"Are you kidding?" Sean turns to her.

"No, I'm not," Andie replies to Sean.

"Go, get outta here, go do what you need to do," she says to me softly.

"I'm sorry that I let you guys down," I apologize.

"It wasn't your fault bro," Monster says.

I smile at him and walk to the door. As I'm walking I feel Andie pat my back and look at me with a small smile.

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