Chapter 2

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I am sitting outside the office on a bench. I told the gang I needed some alone time to think so I went outside. My mind races of all of the reasons that this shit can be connected to me. Soon enough I hear the door open, I look over and Matt walks out.
"Hey, sky? I know you might not wanna talk about this, and it's completely alright if you don't, but I have some questions about this whole situation," Matt whispers, sitting down next to me.
"Yes, Matt? I'll answer the best I can," I respond, looking at the ground.
"Do you even know if he's a family member of yours? None of this even adds up and we might be able to get more information if he is related to you somehow," Matt says.
"Matt I have no answer for you. Even if I did we have no clue where we are going or what this man even looks like, it could be a trap for all we know," I exclaimed, getting a little frustrated with all the questions.
"I know, but deb just gave me coordinates, I had to put them through a decoder to access it but we have the place, and if it's a trap I will be there to make sure you don't get hurt," Matt responses, smiling to try and calm my nerves. The two of us get up and walk to Matt's car, starting to drive to the location.
"Classic deb. I feel like I should tell you I recognize the names Deb and Syphus. Obviously, Deb is a popular name but there is no excuse on why I recognize Syphus, which means she isn't lying to us," I tell Matt as my brain is reflooded with questions. I start having blank memories of some lady in a white trench coat with a logo embroidered into it as I look out the car window.
"Okay, we're here. I see someone over there, stay low," Matt says as he points to a figure.
"who the hell is that?" I asked, maybe a little too loud, as I asked the question the figure turned to face us. His face looks familiar to me like I've seen it multiple times but have also never seen it at all.
"Hello, sky, long time no see huh?" The man who I presume is Syphus said. The voice reminds me of someone. But it couldn't be him, he went missing years ago.
"Who the hell are you, and how do you know who I am?" I harshly stated. I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but I wanted to make sure none of us would get hurt.
"I'm your uncle Ben, do you not remember me? I know it's been a while but I don't look that different do I?" he asked. I immediately knew I was wrong about him being missing. All my questions got pushed away as I run to hug him. Right as I reached his arms again I just start crying, I haven't had a hug from him in so long.
"Where the hell did you go all of those years? Mom and everyone were worried about you! We all thought you died in the fire!" I take a step back and look at the man I've been stripped away from for the last 15 years of my life.
"I know but I didn't want to go. Syphus made me," he exclaims as he looks at Matt. Matt is just standing there with this super confused look on his face, I kinda forgot he was here, Matt obviously doesn't know what's going on.
"Give me a few seconds, I gotta explain some stuff to Matt," Ben agreed as I pulled Matt aside and explained the situation to him. We were so relieved that it was Ben and not Syphus. Matt looks over to Ben and nods. "It's nice to see you
without being controlled," Matt says and walks over to shake Ben's hand.

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