Chapter 24

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Alex's POV

1 Week Later

I grab my keys and open the door to Blue Base. Nobody was here yet, probably because it was 5 in the morning, but I haven't really slept in the past week.
A few hours later, Mars walks in. "Hey Mars," I say, while they ignore me and walk past me quickly.
Another hour passed of doing work, and everyone was at the studio. I walked over to everyone's office to say hello, and I went back to work. After a while, Sam stopped by my office.
"How are you doing?" She asked. "I'm... fine," I said with a smile. "You know I can tell when you're lying right?" She responded. "I know, which is why I'm not lying," I say. "Okay. Anyways, a package came for you," Sam said. "What? I didn't order anything," I say with a puzzled look. "That's weird," Sam replies.
I get up from my desk to open the package I received. The weird thing about the package was that there was no sender that was marked. And there were two other packages that looked similar that were for Sky and Mars, without a sender.
"There's no sender," I say. "Should we get the team?" Sam asks. "Probably, there's one for Sky and Mars as well. They look identical to mine," I say.
A few minutes later, the entire team was here. "Who's going first?" Sky asks. "I'll go first, I guess," I say, opening my package. It was a file. "What?" I say with a nervous laugh. I opened the file and it listed a bunch of information about me.

Name: Alex Fekete
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'5
Additional Information: Was under the influence of Nelson Syphus for a month, has come into contact with the passive mode of the S.P.I.R.E.

I was stunned. The person who wrote this knew about me being controlled by Nelson? "Everything's the same, besides the additional information page," I say. "What does it say?" Sky asks. "Was under the influence of Nelson Syphus for a month, has come into contact with the passive mode of the S.P.I.R.E." I said, not taking my eyes off of the file. "This person knew that you were gonna be controlled?" Sam asks. "It looks like it," I say, closing the file.     

Sky's POV

"So, who's going next?" Alex asks, still in a state of shock. "I guess me then, can I have mine?" "Here ya go," Mars replies, it was like Alex's package, another file but my name on it "okay this is getting freaky" I state with a sound of discomfort in my voice, it was again the same as Alex's.

Name: Skyler Cobalt Nickname: Cobalt
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Pronouns: He/His/She/They
Height:5 ft 2in
Additional Information: Was in contact with the 'passive' mode of the S.P.I.R.E last week

"Okay what?" I sit there with my file open wondering how and why this person would want these things on us. "What does it say on your file?" Mars asks. "Same like Alex's, the additional information has been changed, also my pronouns and sexuality" I say. The group looks over at me.
"How about we look at Mars's information," I suggest, quickly changing the subject.

Mars POV

Everyone stares at me, I hate the attention. I'm bruised pretty bad and really self conscious about it.
"Mars, here's your file," Alex says and hands it to me, I nod and take it, I'm not in the mood to talk to him. I open the file and read out the information.
"Name/nickname: Mars Demars
Age: 17
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/He
Height: 5'7
Sexuality: Gay
Additional information: Was recently in contact with the 'passive' mode of S.P.I.R.E. Got into a verbal and physical altercation with Alex Fekete(mind controlled by Nelson Syphus). I can tell this made Nelson very upset. I am worried to see what he will do to them in the future. When threatened, Mars kept fighting, but when a loved one was threatened, Mars stepped back for a second. This shows signs of great bravery, but I fear if not controlled, their bravery will lead to their demise."

I stare in disbelief. The rest of the group is looking at me, especially Alex. I can start to feel their eyes on me and it makes me shiver.
"Bravery will be my downfall? And why is Deb worried about Nelson and I?" I asked, confused by the writing, but also trying not to let the group know everything that went on. I haven't told them everything yet, and I'd like to keep it that way.
"How do you know it was Deb who wrote this? There's no sender." Alex asks. That really got on my nerves.
"Deb always sends unmarked packages, also, she was the one who had our first file. So it's safe to assume it was her. Also she would be the only one who cared if I got hurt by Nelson," I respond, trying not to get loud.
"We haven't heard from her in a while, Mars," Alex begins before I cut him off.
"We don't hear from Deb a lot anyways. Hell, we went months without hearing from her! Why does it matter if it's Deb or not? Who else would send these files? Who else would care enough!?"
"Mars, if this isn't from Deb, then whoever sent these could be dangerous," Alex says.
"Mars, it could be from anybody at Syntec. Do you not get it?" Alex states. I stand up, annoyed and frustrated,
"DO I NOT GET IT? OH I GET IT ALRIGHT. I JUST THINK YOU DON'T WANT ME TO GET IT. IT'S OBVIOUSLY DEB OR SOMEONE CLOSE TO DEB. WHY DO YOU STILL CARE, YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN HERE. YOU DIDN'T SEE WHAT HE DID TO US. YOU DIDN'T SEE THE PAIN HE CAUSED SAM, THE PAIN HE CAUSED SKY OR MATT. I'M TRYING TO FIGURE THIS OUT, OK, AND I DON'T NEED SOMEONE WHO WASN'T HERE TO GET IN MY WAY," I yell as I make my way outside of Blue Base. I can't even look at him right now. I'm not even mad about what he did to me, I'm mad about what he did to the rest. I walk into Red Base and sit in my office. About 20 minutes later I heard a knock at my door.
"Mars, can I come in?"

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