Chapter 10

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Sky's POV

We get back from Sam's place where I treat Alex's wounds that weren't that severe. As I stitch him up, I hear Matt talking with the team when Matt begins to raise his voice.
"Guys we need to get Sam back, this is bad!" He says.
"No, we can't go now, we need to get Alex back in shape, he's the only one that can give us any sort of help to get Sam back," I hear Mars say.
"Guys! Calm down, we have multiple people injured and Sam is being controlled by Syphus, calm down!" I say, remembering the family trauma that I went through when Ben was put into control when my phone rang.
"Let me take this call," I say, stepping away from the bad energy. I look at my phone before picking it up as it reads 'No Caller ID'. I pick up my phone when I hear an unfamiliar voice. Not Deb, not anybody I've heard of.
"Hello Sky, long time no see."
"For one, who is this, and second of all how did you get my number?" I ask, trembling in fear, as if this were Syphus
"It's nobody to worry about. I was gone for a while, weren't I, are all 8 of you there?" This creepy voice says. I can make out that it seems to be an older woman.
"Well, all 7 of us. Something happened to Sam" I say, replaying what I saw on her security footage in my mind as I feel a shiver going down my spine.
"Get to the rest of the crew, NOW!" The voice quickly demands as I run to the main area of Spellbound.
"Okay, what's up?" I say into the phone and pop it on speaker as everyone turns to me.
"I need y'all to go to Location 10 okay?" the voice says very groggily.
"But we don't know who you are, how can we trust you?!"  Matt yells that line several times now becoming a regular thing at this point.
"I'm an old friend of Syphus. He planned to take Sam away months ago, he's at location 10 with sam who keeps slipping in and out of control of the serum please get to her fast! That serum that Syphus is making is one that when you get injected with it you can't go back but it's in its VERY early stages of a prototype" the older woman says not missing a beat
"Also Skyler?"
"Yes?" I say as I signal to the team to jump into Matt's Tesla
"Your mom says hi!"
"Okay well tell her I said hi... WAIT WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Before I could say anything the older woman hung up leaving me in a state of shock and horror.

Alex's POV

We all hurry into Matt's Tesla. It was mainly silent, until Matt broke the silence, asking all of us a question.
"So, last time we went to a location we found information. But this time we need to save Sam. Did everyone bring antidotes?" He asks. "I thought we didn't have any." I replied.
"Damn it, you're right. Let's hope we find something, just in case." Matt replies. The rest of the car ride was silent, but I was anxious the entire time. Once we finally arrived, we all realized it led underground.
"So, are we all ready?" Matt asks.
We all nod in agreement, but I could tell some of us weren't. We all begin to get out of the car. When we do, I hear Sky call out something. I go to investigate.

"Hey guys, there's a briefcase!" She yells.
"Matt, what do we do?" Mars asks.
"We'll try and open it, I guess," Matt replies.
"It's a three-combination lock. Try 863?" I suggest, pointing at the lock.
"That's a good idea if it's from Deb," Matt replies, punching in the numbers. It didn't open.
"Any other ideas?" Matt asks, looking around.
"590?" Bailey suggests.
Once Matt punched that code in, the briefcase remained locked.
"Maybe try 015," I suggest.
"That's a really good idea." Matt replies, punching in the numbers once more. The case opened.
"It worked!" Matt said. He pulled out five antidote vials, and a note, and began reading it.
"I knew you guys would end up going to this location at some point, and if you're reading this, I'm glad I wasn't wrong." Matt read aloud. "From, Deb." Matt finishes and grabs the vials.
"We have five antidotes. Someone might have to share." Matt said sternly, looking at the rest of us.
"That won't work, it's been proven when I was an intern at Syntec. When Ben was under he told me that it would take a whole vile to get rid of the effects" Sky replies.
"Well, I'm not gonna let two of us get infected, so two of us have to stay here." Matt replies, trying to keep us all safe.
"No way. We're all going in, even if two of us get infected." I say.
"I'm not just gonna let this serum infect you!" Matt replied, his tone growing higher.
"And I don't care if I get infected, I'm protecting my friends if it's the last thing I do!" Matt knows that he can't reason with me and just sighs as we walk our way into the building we make sure that the door doesn't lock on us as we walk down the dark hallway we see Sam in a chair held down by rope the moment we get into the room Sam snaps out of control for a second saying
"Guys, please help me I don't wanna stay here" when she says that the door shuts on us
"NO, WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN AGAIN" Matt shouts as he tried to tug at the door to no avail as if it wasn't even that convenient at that same moment a video popped up on the old tv with text saying 'A bomb containing [CENSOR} will go off in approximately 5 minutes, good luck, Subjects 4,5, and 6,' with that the screen went dark and a countdown started.
"No no no no.... This cannot be happening again!" Sam says, struggling in her chair. I quickly rush up to her and untie her.
"Do we have the antidote?" Mars asks, checking their pockets. The rest of us check, but only Sky and I pull out the antidote.
"Guys, this isn't a Life's Blood bomb, it wouldn't affect any of us......" Sam says, standing up and stretching.
"But we should still take it, what if the antidote will help with this new thing," Sky responded looking at the bomb. Mars and I walk up to the door and try budging it. We get the door to slip slightly, allowing only one person to get through.
"SAM GO," I yelled, struggling with Mars to keep it open. Behind us, Sky pushed Sam through the door, letting her free. We couldn't keep it open for much longer though and the door shut on us again, throwing Mars and I backward.
"NO!" I hear Matt, Sam, and Woods shout in unison. Their voices are muffled and they are yelling on top of each other, but we couldn't hear them because a loud siren noise came on from the TV and the lights started blinking red. "Three Minutes Remaining," A voice said over the siren. I turn around, both angry and worried, to see Sky in the corner muttering to herself, I quickly rush over to her as a voice comes over the speakers.

Mars POV
"Ah Sky, it seems you've finally made it, I have been waiting for you and your... friends," a mysterious voice says. I look over to Sky to see her shaking, Alex is trying to comfort her, and I'm getting aggravated. Why did they have to be the ones stuck in here with me?
"Who the hell are you and what do you want from us?" I yell up to the voice. He just chuckled and responded,
"Has Sky not told you all about me? What a shame, it seems like you know much less than you thought," he said. I look over to Sky and they look extremely afraid.
"You didn't answer my question... Who. Are. You?" I say sternly, I feel like I wanna punch something, why did my family have such bad anger issues?
"My name is Trenton, I used to work at Syntec with Sky, we were....... Very close, if you understand what I mean, child," he explained, him calling me a child angered me but finding out he knows Sky and was planning on hurting her pushed me over the edge. I turned around and punched a table behind me, I saw Sky and Alex jump but I didn't care.
"I swear to god, I will find you, NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS, ESPECIALLY NOT SOME IDIOT LIKE YOU," I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Oh child, what are you gonna do about it, you're what, 17? The others are at least adults, you know nothing, trust me, we've had our eyes on you for years... haven't we Sky?" he sneered, I looked at her, her eyes were wide and staring into nothing.
"You have no idea what I know or don't know, I have been through hell," I spit out, looking at the TV. With a hysterical laugh, Trenton said
"Welp, it looks like time is up, I sure hope you all said goodbye, oh, and Sky, don't worry about Ben, we're gonna take care of him," with that closing statement the speaker shut off. A 20-second countdown began to play.
"Mars, take this," Alex said, standing up and throwing the antidote at me.
"Alex, no, you need this!" I yelled back but it was too late, he already forced me to take it and Sky took hers.
"Mars, we need you to not get infected by this... thing, you're anger would be dangerous,"
"Alex, are you kidding me? We need you!"
"I know, I'll be fine, Matt is alright, and so is Sam, Woods, and Bailey, make sure nothing else like this happens,"
"What do you mean? What if the Life's Blood antidote doesn't even work? What then, we have no idea what this could do to you,"
"I know,"
"You're not gonna die because of me!"
"Mars, why would any of this be your fault?"
"Maybe if I didn't lash out so much we wouldn't be in this mess,"
"Mars listen to me, none of this is your fault, you were just trying to protect us, please, take care of them, especially Sam,"
I didn't get to finish my sentence. A loud buzzer rang in my ear, I look over at the bomb and it is dispersing a foggy green substance.
"Put your shirts over your face, avoid breathing it in!" Alex yells. We all rush to the far corner, the corner where we can hear the screams of our friends and family. We all hold on tight to each other as the fog reaches us. I begin coughing first, I try blocking Alex and Sky but the irritation makes me dizzy, the last thing I heard was a scream from Woods.
"MARS! PLEASE STAY WITH US, I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN," and then I blacked out, falling into the arms of Sky and Alex, who are also starting to cough from the smoke.

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