Chapter 20

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Mars POV

"How're you feeling Mars?" Woods asks me. "I feel fine, I just have a headache." I replied. "We need to go check the RSD again," Alex says. "Alex, both Matt and Mars are recovering from being knocked out. Can that wait?" Woods asks. "Can that wait, no it can't, Woods." Alex says with a scoff.
"Hey Alex, what's your problem?" I say, standing up. "What problem? I don't have a problem." Alex says, standing up as well. "It looks like you do, so if you could just shut up, that would be nice!" I say angrily. "Excuse me?" Alex says, rolling his eyes. "You heard me!" I say. Woods tries to stop me, but I push him away. "Every day. Every freaking day you come into here, and start picking fights with everyone! Does it make you happy?! Damn you Alex!" I say, shoving Alex. He collapses into the wall, quickly leaving. There was a dent in the wall where I pushed Alex.

Alex's POV

I storm off after having that argument with Mars, and rush up the stairs to the RSD. I open up the vault, and quickly turn on the RSD. I scanned for nearby serum signatures, but I found none. "Damn it," I mumble to myself. I zoom out and find two serum signatures in an abandoned house. "Woods!" I yell.
Woods quickly rushes up the stairs to see what I was calling him for. "I found two serum signatures, near an abandoned house. I think it's them." I say, pointing to the RSD. "Yeah, it could be them, but it's a four hour drive. You sure you wanna risk that?" Woods asks me. "There's no other serum signatures in California. It has to be them." I say. "There's one at our studio." Woods says. "That's probably that large container of serum across from us," I say impatiently. "I'll go get the team." Woods says, rushing down the stairs.

Sky's POV

I woke up to loud creaking and chattering. I slowly open my eyes to see Trenton staring right at my face. "Oh look who's finally awake! Let me make sure that everything is tight around you," as he says that he leans over me and checks my restraints. "Why the hell am I here? WHY THE HELL AM I IN RESTRAINTS?!" I yell and wiggle trying to get myself free to only feel them getting tighter. "Love, I wouldn't do that if I were you, they're just gonna get tighter." Trenton says with a sly smile, and strokes my cheek  "you just wanna experiment on me? YOU JUST WANT ME TO BECOME YOUR LAB RAT HUH?!" I screamed, hoping that someone would hear me as the black bag was placed on my head again. "Night night, sweetheart," Trenton whispers to me.

Sam's POV

Woods runs downstairs, his face red to the core. "Guys, Alex just scanned the area with the RSD and 4 hours away there's 2 active dots at this abandoned house. That's where Sky is," he says as Alex makes his way downstairs with a look of 'we should get going right now'. "Matt?" I ask him. "Yes Sam?" He replies. "Are we gonna do this?" I ask. "If that's where Alex thinks Sky is, then yes, we need to. Are you up to go Mars?" Matt asks. "Yeah, we need to get Sky back." Mars says. "Alright everyone, to the Tesla." Matt says, getting up and grabbing his keys. 

Alex's POV

For an hour, the drive was silent. I kept twiddling my thumbs, anxious for when we get to the abandoned house. "Who do you think's gonna be there?" Bailey asks, trying to break the silence. "Definitely Ben and Trenton. That would explain the two serum signatures I found on the RSD." I say. "Are we prepared to face both of them?" Sam asks. "I mean, I have bats in my trunk. Four of them." Matt says. "I'll get one, Alex will, and Mars and Matt?" Woods asks. "Yeah, I was planning on going around the back, so we could avoid any conflict." I say. "I'll go with you." Mars says. "Okay." I reply, and the car fell silent once more.
Another hour passes when I get a text from my phone.
"I have Skyler." I read it out loud. Everyone was surprised, and I showed them the phone. "That's Ben's number. You have it?" Matt asked. "Yeah, Sky gave it to me." I reply. Matt simply nods.
"Ben? What happened to you? Where's Skyler?!" I text back, reading it aloud.
"I'll answer all of that later. I just want to talk to you." Ben replied, and I read it aloud.
"Why?" I sent back.
"Call me when you're ready." Ben replied. I read it out loud once more, and the team was still in a shocked state. "Are you gonna call him?" Bailey asks. "I'm gonna have to, he has Sky." I say.

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