Chapter 21

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Sky's POV

I was awoken to more chattering but a bunch more clanking. "Oh! Look who's awake again," Trenton said with a sly smirk and checked my restraints again, this time he had gloves on. I decided to keep quiet when I heard a notification from what seems to be a phone. "Skyler, your friends are a few hours away, it seems as though they miss you alot!" Trenton says with a slight sinister laugh. "So you've just been tracking my co-workers and friends this entire time? Wow Trenton, just wow, you do notice that's not the only person they've come to save right?" I say with an empathetic look. "I know that they're here for Ben as well, and Matthias seems to have grown fond of him, yes?" Trenton replies while snapping his fingers for someone. "Yes?" Ben says with a blank stare to his 'Boss'. "Put a mask on Skyler please." Trenton says while turning back to the computer where a blue dot was moving, as Ben walks up to me he whispers in my ear "I'm sorry Benji, but it has to be this way to save us," as he puts the mask on my face and clicks a button making me pass out.

Alex's POV

"So should I call him?" I ask, looking at everyone in Matt's Tesla. "Yes, why the hell not they have Sky, I'm about to grab that phone from your hand I swear to god!" Mars exclaims while balling up their fists. I began calling Ben, and after a few seconds, he picked up. I quickly put the phone on speaker. "Benjamin?" I ask. "I'm here." He replied. "Where's Sky?" I ask. "She's... alright. You don't have to worry." Ben said. "Then let her go." I said. "Not yet." Ben replied. Mars quickly snatched my phone away from me.
"Mars! What the hell?!" I yell. They ignore me. "Did you not hear Alex? If Sky is alright, then let her go!" Mars yelled into the phone. "She's okay, I just wanna watch over her, she's still really ill." Ben retorts quickly. "Ben we'll talk later, just keep Sky safe please," Mars sighs while looking tired "Bye, we'll talk later." Ben says when he hangs up. "Do we really trust him? He broke into our studio a while ago." Sam asks. "That's true, for all we know he's aiding whoever's holding Sky hostage." I replied.
Two hours later, we arrive at the abandoned house. "Should I park farther away?" Matt asks. "Yeah, so they won't suspect anything." I reply. Matt nods and parks farther away from the house. We all rush out of the car, and Matt, Woods, Mars and I head over to the trunk to retrieve our bats. "Alright, Alex and Mars, you guys are gonna head through the back while the rest of us come through the front, okay?" Matt commands. Mars and I nod in agreement after looking at each other. "All right, let's get Sky back." Matt says, and we all head to our respective positions. "Here, there's a broken window," I whisper to Mars, and they nod. "Who's going first?" They whisper back. "You go first, I'll be right behind you." I reply. Mars nods and jumps through the broken window. 
Once we're both in the creepy old, abandoned house, the floorboards creak with every step we take.

Mars POV

"We need to be quieter," I say in a whisper. "We can't help it, it's the damn floorboards." Alex replies. I take a few steps forward, and the creaking continues. "Where are they?" I ask in a hushed voice. Suddenly, I hear a lot of loud chattering. "Stay low!" Alex yells in a whisper. I turn to get a look at Sky, Ben, and Trenton, when suddenly, everything turns black.

I wake up to see everyone beside me, Sky as well. I try to get up but realize that my hands are tied. So are everyone else's. "Mars, you're awake!" Woods yells. "Where's... where's Alex?" I mumble. "We don't know. He came with you, right?" Sky asks. "Yeah... yeah, he did." I say, a bit clearer. I turn to my right to see Alex hunched over, staring at me, with a finger on his mouth. He was bloodied and beat up, but he wasn't captured. Yet. When I see Trenton approach, Alex quickly speeds off.
"Well, well, well! Looks like the entire team is finally awake!" Trenton says, approaching us. My anger surged. I always hated people speaking in that tone. "Where's Alex?" I ask angrily. "Oh, Alex? I'm not sure. Yet. He'll be joining you soon, or he'll be dead." Trenton said with a sinister laugh. "Let us go." Woods demanded. "Oh, that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?" Trenton said, in a cryptic voice. "He's usually this cryptic," Sky whispers to me.
Benjamin approaches, and stands next to Trenton. "Have you found him yet?!" Trenton yelled at Ben. "No sir. But, I'll find him soon." Benjamin replied. "Go find him, now!" Trenton yelled. Benjamin quickly resumed his search for Alex. "So sorry about that, what was I saying? Oh yes, the surprise." Trenton said with a sly smile.
"What surprise?" Matt asked. "That'll also ruin it. It wouldn't be a surprise with you all knowing now, would it?" Trenton said. "But anyways, it should be here very, very soon." Trenton said, checking his watch.
A couple minutes later, a familiar Phantom showed up. Just then, I realized why they were so familiar. Sky started hyperventilating. "Breathe, remember to breathe," I say. The Phantom was the same one who threatened Sky.

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