Two Faces of a Killer

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The residents of Zero Infinity for the most part can be summed up as broken pieces of code that have lost their homes and wander aimlessly, and while some manage to find a new purpose in life, most still go on lost and alone. But being a place that brings together so many different individuals, it is inevitable that some would stand out from the rest. A pink, female version of the King of Nightmares would be one of these.

Even in her multiverse of origin, this Nightmare was not like the other guardians of negativity and sought to act in a peaceful manner most of the time, and once her involvement with Zero Infinity began, this did not change. Intent on helping those who just wander around without a destination, especially newcomers who have various doubts and emotional wounds, this pink being chose to be as helpful as possible in trying to assist them in finding a new place they could be comfortable in and call home.

But while many would be grateful for such help, Killer only grew more irritated by such behavior, for in Killer's ideal vision, Nightmare should not be a helpful person because not only did this show weakness in his eyes, but it was also a characteristic of Dream.

- I think our new friend is very agitated, let's take a walk and this might help clear his mind. - Said the human version of Killer as he noticed the subtle signs that his monster counterpart could become hostile at any moment. These signs could pass down to many, but even though the body is different, the personality traits were similar, so it helped him to almost guess what the other was thinking.

Knowing that acceptance can take some time and that continuing to insist could cause the opposite effect, Nightmare thanked Killer and turned his focus to Ccino. Another broken soul who also needed help just like the Sans from FlowerFell.

Killer knew that nothing good would occur if he continued with this group, so he just quietly followed his human version. Once the distance between them and the group increased enough, he decided to return to the dialogue.

- I am still surprised that there is a human version of me.

- I assure you that you were no more surprised than I was when I arrived here. In my multiverse all the important figures were human, not monsters, so imagine my surprise to find out that the common are monster versions of everyone I know, and humans like me are actually extremely rare.

- Nothing... tell me more about him. - Asked Killer, not the least bit interested in the drama of his companion.

- There is not much to tell unfortunately, I have never seen him myself, I have only heard various reports about him. What I do know is that he has a strange fanaticism for destroying multiverses that have had their balance broken, besides the fact that his mere presence is frightening and many run just to see him from a distance. But don't ask me about his origins, I have been here for some considerable time and have never heard who he was exactly or where he came from.

- But why did he destroy my multiverse? I finally got what I wanted after so much effort, why did he ruin everything? - The feeling of paralysis caused by the fear of being in front of this being was still a fresh memory in his mind, but Killer fought against this feeling.

- You don't seem very intelligent, are you really a version of me? I just told you why, the balance of your multiverse was broken and the judgement of Nothing occurred. Many multiverses were wiped out by the wrong choices of their guardians, you have only yourself to blame since you so obviously contributed to this ending. And by the way, this is the second time you say that your multiverse was perfect before it disappeared, what exactly happened?

- And why do you care?

- I don't care, but there is not much to do here except listen to tragic stories and laugh at others feeling sorry for themselves.

Hearing these words, a horizontal slash towards the human was made, but he was quick to block it with his own blade. The following scenes can be summarized as two bodies exchanging knife strokes in the middle of several trees, with each cut being healed before the next one was struck. This scene went on for several minutes.

- You are not bad, but as I thought, it is annoying if the damage is not permanent, and the lack of magic does not help. - Commented the skeleton one.

- I say the same, but it was fun, it's like fighting your own reflection, we should do this more often. - Said the human between laughs, making Killer realize how unpleasant his own personality was. Not that he would change because of this. - But seriously, what exactly happened to your multiverse? It's not like you have anything better to do.

- Ha... if I had to summarize, I would just say that the boss and I managed to kill them all. Our enemies, a false savior, a smiley trashbags and a traitor. And even those unworthy of serving my king like false companions and an idiot who tried to swallow more than he could bite. We got rid of all of them, the multiverse was ours... until this Nothing guy showed up and ruined everything. - At this point in the story, the human version of him just stared at him with a look of suspicion in his eyes. - What?

- Your Nightmare fucked you, didn't he?

- What the fuck? Where did you get that from? - With a startled scream, Killer's eyeballs would pop out if he had any.

- Princes of darkness having relationships with their minions is more common than you might think, especially with other versions of us. There are only two of us here so you can admit, you were the bottom one in the relationship, weren't you? - With his hands, the human Killer made obscene gestures. But because of this last line, a knife was pressed against his neck.

- I did NOT have this kind of relationship with him. I respected his power, because that's the way it is since I met Chara, the stronger survives and the weaker dies, simple as that. Our relationship never has and never would come to that. - With a firm tone of voice and a determined look, the human in the group was surprised by the answer.

- I see, forgive me for making this assumption. Can you put the knife down now? It's not like it's going to work anyway. - With a sigh, Killer merely obeyed, and the pair walked silently back. Until the human version of Killer decided to return to the awkward subject.

- Seriously, you would be surprised how many versions of us love to get down on all fours with that guy. I even heard a story once about... -

- By the stars, shut up. Am I always this annoying to everyone around me? - Said Killer as he tried to pull his nonexistent hair. Which only resulted in a loud laugh from his companion. - Let's change the subject, now it's your turn to talk, what happened to your multiverse? From what you said, it wasn't the Nothing that destroyed your multiverse, so how did it cease to exist?

- Seeing your fascination with Nightmare, you wouldn't believe it and I don't think you would want to know.

- It's not like I have anything better to do, so spill it before I rip the words out of your mouth.

- Yeah, yeah... I killed my Nightmare and that set off a series of events that also led to Dream's death, happy now? - Hearing this, Killer's footsteps stopped.

- You what? - Sayed a voice as cold as a tomb.

- I told you that you wouldn't want to hear it, considering that you seem to be the #1 fan of that guy.

- Did you kill Dream too?

- No... how could I? I loved her. - A surprisingly sad look could be seen on the human's face, even in his condition that prevented him from feeling real emotions, a certain affection could be found in his dark eyes, similar to how even a Chara without emotions could also show affection in his own way.

But none of this mattered when a punch from a skeletal hand hit the human's face and sent him flying for a few meters.

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