Red Handed | Easton

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Kenneth was laying on the ground under me. She looked up at me, her face and my hands covered in blood.

"East...." She said her voice weak. The group looked at me.

I leaned down next to her ear and she closed her eyes.

She hadn't listened to me. She had betray me. The whole group had told me that. And I believe them.

"You look beautiful, love." I whispered. I pulled back and punched her one last time, knocking her out.

I stood up and grabbed a white towl from Katherine. I wiped the blood from my hands, as I looked at them with cold eyes. Kathrine looked around me at Kenneth.

"You did a good job. She will be out for a while." I gave her a death glare.

"Should we take her back to the base?" I shook my head, and they stared at me shocked.

"Why?" Jake asked, confused.

"You guys don't see the whole picture. Why take her back so she can get better? Let's keep her on the run. If she wouldn't come back for me. Make her beg for her mercy." My voice wavered on the last sentence.

Turns out they all agreed with me so we got back in the truck and drove back to the base. The truck stayed silent as we drove.

We made it back to the base and Jake went to update the leaders, my parents.

I looked down at my hands, still red with Kenneth's dried blood. I decided to go to the bathroom to cleaned up.

As I walked in, I locked the door and begin to wash my hands with warm water and soap. The room began to fog up from the heat. I turned off the water and looked into the mirror.

There was condensation on the mirror so I used my sleve to wipe it clean. I looked at myself once it was clean. While I was looking in the mirror a flash of red went though my eyes. I turned away in fear.

Then I could hear things in my head. I turned back around to see my eyes red like the color of blood in the sink. Was this my imagination repaying me? I yelled and slammed my fist against the mirror, shattering it into a million pieces. I looked at my knuckles now cut by the mirror and bleeding.

I ran to the door, tears streaming down my face. I unlocked it and ran all the way home. I crawled up to the roof of the house and sat there looking at the sunset. I kept crying until I passed out.

I had the same nightmare again except this time instead of Kenneth dying, I died with her not even knowing.

I tried to wake myself up but it wouldn't work. I kept dreaming about Kenneth not loving me. I cried not being able to escape my fears.

The nightmares kept on comming. I cried out to Kenneth, wishing she was here to wake me up. Wishing she was here to comfort me. But she wasn't. She had left me and I had beat her up for it. My eyes snapped open as the wind blew around me. I stood up and moved to the edge of the roof......

I had become a monster. I didn't deserve to live.

[Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading.]

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