Simon brown-naughty💛

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Warning:Fluff ish
Meanings: Y/h/c- your hair color
y/e/c-your eye color

"THEY'VE EATEN THE BABY!" Nanny west stone shouted as she ran out the door to Mr brown.
"THEY'VE EATEN THE BABY!" nanny west stone shouted again running away. Cedric ran back to the tall light brown house and bursted in the door. Many voices were coming from the children's room.
"He's coming!
"CHILDREN!... where is Aggie?" Cedric asked very concerned. All the children looked at each other but Cedric opened the pot and found Aggie all Cabiggie and gravy. He gave Aggie to Tora to wash him off
"as you wanted nanny weststone has took off and resigned so tomorrow I shall hire a new nanny" Cedric said as he ran out the door
we opened the cupboard and all the puppet nanny's were hanging on the pin board nicely, I picked up nanny weststone puppet and pinned it
"Three days,eight hours and 47 minutes so that got rid of her 23 hours and 23minutes before the last one. I think the turning point was definitely eating the baby, Well done Eric!" I said as Eric simply just nodded but someone came in. it was our maid Y/n
"Did you mess with the new nanny again?" She said out of annoyance
"Yes we did love" I said smirking as I looked at every inch of her. Her Y/h/c and her y/e/c including her little dress that fell up to her knees her hair in a mid ponytail. But then a door bursted open again
"You did it, There are no more nanny's left in the agency! Hello Y/n sorry about that. We'll get back to cleaning" Papa said as he walked out the door. We did it we had no more nanny's!.
It was late at night and we tided the cook down in the table! I was stirring a pot of mash potatoes with socks in it,Tora was putting the socks in Eric was making a bomb machine Sebastian was hanging on the chandelier Lilly jumping on the catapult with potatoes trying to get them in the pot like playing basket ball and Chrissy I don't even know what she was doing .
"STOP!" Evangeline yelled but no one listened. Suddenly we all stoped and looked at the door when a ugly,trotted lady came through the door
"Oh look the doors open and there's nobody there" I said and kept on stirring the pot
"I'm here" Said the black figure
"Did someone say something?" I asked everyone
"We'll listen closely and se if you can hear this. You must stop what your doing put the kitchen right and head up to bed" no one listened
today was horrible we had a new nanny called nanny McPhee and we nearly had Aggie boiled! We had a plan for tomorrow to get rid off her but anyways I got in bed y/n followed. Me and y/n had to share a bed because nanny McPhee took over the guest bedroom so did Evangeline and cook so they took all the guest rooms. papa decided that me and y/n should share a bed since I had the biggest bed from all the children. We both got in the bed (Not like that people get ur mind outta the gutter) nanny McPhee came in and made sure we're all in bed
"let me explain how this works when you need me but not want me I must stay if you want me but don't need me I must go. Pretty sad really"
"No it's not. We will never want you!" I said as he rested his head on the pillow
"Then I must never go" She said as she walked out of the room. We turned off our lamps and fell to sleep, I turned to face y/n
"hello love" I whispered as I held her close
"Hi" y/n said as she pecked my lips and I held her tighter so then my head was on her chest. She played with my hair until I fell asleep and the last word I said before I fell asleep was
"I love you bub"

AN: This was kinda a long one and horrible ending but I tried who should I do next?

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