Sam(love actully) jealous

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If you didn't read the first part read it before you read this or it will make absolutely no sense.

YN pov
We got home and I went straight to my bed dropping my bag near the my bedroom door. I ran to my bed and grabbed a pillow crying into it, sobbing quietly. I knew he liked someone else and not me I just have to accept it I can't change his feelings. As much as it hurried me I had to move on I couldn't just cry about him because of that girl. I sat up and wiped my remaining tears away from my cheeks and my feet touched the wooded hard floor. I slowly stepped down the stars until I saw my mum making dinner.

The smelt of pasta filled my nostrils as I went down more
"Hello hun you ok?" She asked tuning around to face me
"Yah thanks for asking. But I decided
on something." I said going to her into the kitchen
"Oooo ok what is it?" She asked
"I can't like Sam he doesn't like me he likes someone else and it's really obvious he just thinks of me as a friend" I said looking disappointed
"It's ok hun don't be so sad. How about after dinner we can have some ice cream and watch movies until we fall asleep" my lovely mum suggested and I nodded with a smile and sat at the table waiting for my food.

I finished my food and put my plate in the sink and ran over to the couch with my mum following right behind me with a bowl of ice cream. I grabbed the remote and switched it on to vampire diaries. My mum tackled me with a hug and sat next to me. We watched the movie while throwing popcorn into our mouths and shared some laughs. The movie ended and we both fell asleep on the couch.

We both woke up from sound of a door bell my mum got the door and it was just a package.


I got to school with a bit of traffic I saw sam and Joanna with him. I got out the car and walked pasted them without even saying a word. I sat down in the back because Joanna sat in my spot next to Sam.
"Okay guys your gonna need a partner for this active so chose your partner" The teacher said sitting down at her desk. I went to sam
"Sam,partner?" I asked him
"Sorry but I'm with Joanna"He said walking away. My heart shattered and I ended up with the teacher. It was snack so we all went out to play or whatever and I sat next to Sam as usual but he moved away to sit next to Joanna. UGH. I swear I will punch her. I sat by my self at the lunch table watching them laughing and having fun. Jealousy boiled up in me. I went to the monkey bars on the play ground and was hanging off it by my legs but someone pushed me which made me fall on my arm.
"OW OW OW SHOOT" I yelled with all the eyes on me I saw scarlet red blood dripping down my arm. A mini crowd formed around me with Sam and Joanna in the circle a teacher got me up to sick bay (or whatever you call it ) I got to hospital and my arm was broken.I had surgery and got metal in it and my arm was a bit better.


I finally was able to go to school when I got to my class everyone was staring but when I reached my seat I got tackled into a hug it was warm and I felt tears stain my shirt
"finally your back!" Someone said in excitement it was Sam
"hi" i coldly said
"What's wrong?" he asked pulling away from the hug
"You pay no attention to me at all and then when I break my arm you act like you care" I said
"Listen I'm sorry I was with-"
"Joanna I know, you didn't even say hi or anything" I said finishing his sentence
"im really sorry"He said hugging me again
"whatever" I said sitting in my seat far away from Sam and Joanna. Even he still looked at me the teacher told him to stay focused.  I ignored him for the rest of th,e day and found a friend called Dylan. And played and chatted with him until Sam finally bursted.

SORRY FIR THE CLIFFHANGER!!!! Part 3 tommorowwwwwwwww

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