A Spectacular Event

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Everything is in place and the food is wonderful and the children are enjoying the pool along with other things we have to keep them occupied. Lily was escorted by her newest male nanny Jose Rodriguez sr and he was allowed to bring his eight year old son Jose Jr. he took this job after his wife died of cancer and he had no other options. He knows security and several different languages which helped him get the job. They couldn't get anyone else to work for them. Louann went through nannies so often no one wanted to work for her, the nanny network spread the word about her and her husband along with Lily's bratty behavior. I hear this guy won't put up with the child being a brat and he will not tolerate interference in his training her to be a proper human being. He told them he will be teaching her like he teaches his son. I think I like mr Rodriguez Sr and his son is well behaved and well mannered. Even Lily behaved better than she ever has, I think she has a crush on Jose jr.
Colin and Carson went running off to get their swim wear on and splash with the other kids. I see Lily behaving like a proper lady finally. I guess mr Rodriguez is teaching her already, or someone wants to get back in the social circle by using Lily to do it with. It is a sad thing to use your child like they seem to do. Anastasia tries to avoid all interaction with Lily, but as a friend of Mia's it is hard to do that. Raymond walks up beside me and smiles. He makes sure I know who he is and we both watch our children cavorting around. We finally find a place to sit, watch and eat some food while we can. The kids are eating on the run. The servers are making sure they have only what they can carry and a well balanced food selection. Grace makes sure healthy food is served and she knows the allergies of all the kids invited and adults.
I ask Elizabeth if she has went out with anyone since her husbands death and she tells me she hasn't yet. I tell her I haven't either and it has been over seven years. I asked her if she might go out with me and we could bring the children along with us. Her smile tells me she might be thinking about it. She finally says, I could use a night out with a nice gentleman. She gives me her number and I give her mine. We discuss other things and we are quite the comedy team. Anastasia, Mia, Kate, Colin and Carson come running up to us about wanting to watch the fireworks. Apparently they can't if an adult isn't with them, meaning their parent or parents. Safety first since it is close to the dock and the water they want them to be with an adult. I pick up Anastasia and place her on my shoulders then I attempt Kate and Mia. I couldn't get Carson or Colin, but they are taller than the girls. We get a position where the boys are able to see as well.
Carrick and I stand with our family watching everything wind down with the fireworks. The staff is cleaning up and Carrick has Mia on his shoulders and Anastasia and Kate are sitting on Raymond's shoulders. Mia was sitting there too, but Carrick took her onto his shoulders. Christian and Elliott are standing with their friends in close proximity to us. Elizabeth is standing by Raymond chatting away with her boys close by standing on raised platforms for the younger children. Tonight went well I think mr Rodriguez got our nanny's phone number. His son is hanging out with Elliott and Christian and having a good time. Lily has been very well behaved, but with everything that happened she is a bit left out for now.
I encourage Mia to try to mend fences with Lily because she was only being taught badly by her parents behavior and to try to look at it all from the girls prospective and that Anastasia was taking a2ay from her time with her and it was probably her only way she knew to communicate her unhappiness about it. She said she would try to keep it in mind and maybe tell the others the same and try to steer Lily in the better direction. Leila and her parents didn't show up again. Grace said there are some family issues.
Elizabeth and I walk to her car and head and say goodbye. Mia has asked the girls to stay over and they all were prepared to anyway. Carson and Colin found out I like going fishing and Anastasia joins me, but she just isn't into it as much as I am and could use some trainee fishermen to pass down my skills to. They immediately wanted to go and it was a good thing Elizabeth and I set it all up before now, they were pleading with their mother to go out on the boat with me, of course she was invited as well. Anastasia has other plans that day that don't include boys lol. Well I don't think Elliott and Christian want to be included in a girls weekend. Thank God it is at the Grey's Grace is having it for them and inviting the mothers. Carrick and the boys are joining us on the fishing trip.
Colin and Carson can use a strong male image in their lives and the timing is perfect, let's hope he is as nice as he seems. I got set up once and before the date I found out he was just interested in humping and dumping and I broke the date the second I overheard him telling a friend of his that was the only reason he would date me. Some people just suck rotten eggs.

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