Alexander Whatever?

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I am not thrilled about the new staff and that I am no longer in charge and because I didn't sign a contract for a year, I don't have a choice but to accept the changes and I can't locate the original NDA. They forced me to sign a new one with the new company Rekab Delivers Catering and restaurants. They are establishing bot catering and restaurants along with reception areas for parties. They bought Mia out, so she has cash now. My attorney tried to get her assets but couldn't for some reason he said the company barely paid her anything for her business and at this point she has no income. Only a trust fund that she can't touch. It apparently has been put into a trust fund for the Grey's until Mia is married to a person they find acceptable. Is that even legal? The attorney told me you should see what people write into trust funds. They attorney has no idea who Rekab is, but it was into high tech development. It was bought out by an unknown entity and absorbed partially. The company is still around and it bought out my employer for very little money due to overhead costs and debts. Apparently someone has done some digging Denise knows two of my aliases Samuel Smith and Tyrone Ashford. Fred Collins my attorney has no idea about my aliases. Fred took over my case when my other attorney decided taking on the Grey family would be a huge hassle. So my attorney is hoping I can find out more information along with that NDA.
Fred Collins
I can't get anything on Mia Grey and I am afraid to dig deeper into her background. I already know Alexander's background and the best we can do is to settle with her out of court. If we go to court we won't win. I recently spoke to her dad on the phone and he says my client has no grounds for sexual harassment and he has evidence he will be giving to the cops on him. He mentioned drugging Mia twice on the one and only night they had sex. He also says my client is holding out on me about other things. He should ask him directly. I have seen Mia and she gorgeous, Alexander is not much to look at if you ask me. People see my name and think I look like it, but women call me all the time once they see me in person. My firm is just a stepping stone to starting my own firm. I need the cash to get an office started with staff, I am half way there. I don't think this case is going to win me any friends. At least I am billing him for this case. His previous attorney said it was a dog that he had to find a home for, because they wouldn't make any real money on it.
I haven't seen Mia in a while, because they are keeping me working at Rekab and my attorney needs me to pay for his services. I fall into the bed after a shower and have no time to do anything else. Since that conversation with her attorney she hasn't spoken to me since. Now that I think about it she hasn't even came into her business since then. Then a month later the company has been sold and my salary is cut and I am no longer in charge of anything.
We have gotten rave reviews over the Kavanagh reception and that led to a lot more jobs along with GEH functions. The new accountants have audited the books and we are making a killing and we have expanded even further. Fred Collins Alexander's friend came by to ask questions regarding the Rekab company and the owner.
She hands me the corporate number and tells me to call them. She says the NDA prevents her from talking about anything to do with the company. She is really pretty but I can't mix business with pleasure because that is why I am trying to sue Mia Grey. I ask if any old files from the previous company are still around?
No even the personnel files were removed along with their server with all the files on it. We were left with just basic employee information and we had to worry about the staff that came with the old company. It was part of the deal that we keep the employees, but we decided what to pay them and what positions they were assigned to. They had to sign NDA's as well and the old ones from the previous company are still in effect.
That is all she could tell me. EI looked up and see the cctv cameras at every turn, crap. Alexander hasn't told me about the cctv cameras. I take a photo of them before I leave. We are dead in the water at this point. I ask for a meeting with Carrick and Mia Grey to make a settlement. He has not been forthcoming with me. I call and get a meeting set up and we finally sit down three days later at the Grey law firm. What I saw was a petite female with green eyes and red hair, the combination is breathtaking. But what strikes me is that she is pregnant. There is no doubt in my mind. Alexander was not thrilled at seeing her pregnant because like him I am thinking the baby is his.
Is that mine? Get rid of it now.
He tries to grab her and her bodyguard stops him and forces him into a seat.
Fred control your client or this meeting is over with now. Okay she is not terminating her pregnancy at all. Your sexual harassment charges are bogus. We have evidence you drugged Mia twice the night as per the cctv footage at the reception and her business. She was a virgin and her OB/GYN can attest to that. Now we are talking you serving time for what you did to her. We also know this isn't the first time you have done this to someone to get money or control of their business. Samuel Smith, Tyrone Ashford want me to go on with what else we found out?
No. But that is my child she is carrying and I have rights to it as well as she does.
Mind if we record this part of the meeting?
I have nothing to hide go ahead.
You need to be careful about what you say next Alex. I am warning you now. If you cross the line I will need to terminate my association as your attorney.
You should listen to your attorney. We expect child support if you want visitation of the child. After all she has no income and you do.
No income at all, what about her trust fund? For the right amount of money I can go away.
I am out of here. Carrick nice to see you again. Mia I am sorry we met like this you deserve so much better than this guy. Don't call me again and expect a bill for my services. You will also get notice of our terminating our association with you completely. I leave knowing this guy will be seeing the inside of a jail shortly.
I let Alexander hang himself as he asks for ten million dollars for him to give up his rights to the baby he created during raping my daughter. I laugh and have him sign his rights away. I never agreed to the ten million dollars, he was so thrilled to sign he failed to hear my answer or Mia's answer. SonI use this to my advantage. The cops have heard everything and are waiting to arrest him. He asks when he can expect the ten million dollars.
You will never see a dime let alone your freedom for at least ten years just from the charges against you from me. His other victims come out of the office where the cops had them waiting to see him taken away in handcuffs.
My twins were born five months later. I am glad they look like me. Fred has been visiting us and asked me to go out with him, dad says he has a solid reputation and women chase him a lot, but he hasn't dated after his girlfriend was raped and killed by a friend of hers. So he told me this case hit him hard. He had a feeling dad had the goods on Alex, so he let him hang himself. Benjamin Stewart Grey and Oscar Louis Grey were big boys weight and height wise. At five foot two and carry twins was hard, I went in bed rest. Christian made sure the profits went into an account that I can get to without Alexander and his new attorney find out about it. Fred has been very good for me and my sons to be around.

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